Page 8 of Havoc
“How’s Jenelle? Ya married yet?” He snickered, and I sighed at his comment as I stood there and watched the bird's eye view of the hotel. I had been here before but never without Jim or my father.
“Kenna?” He had turned and eyed me oddly. Then he saw Grim’s black card in my hand. “I see.” He didn’t question it, and I didn’t offer any explanation. He knew I would never cause any harm or trouble to the hotel. “How’s your side?”
“Still hurts a lot, but it’s getting better each day.” I kept my eyes on the monitors.
“I saw the tape of what happened, and we’ll get the animals who did that to you.”
“No doubt.” I wanted to talk about the problem I had now and keep the conversation off what happened before. “I need a favor.” I hated to put myself on Leo’s radar, but I had to figure this out fast. “Can you rewind the video on the lobby?”
I felt Leo study me for a moment. Then he spoke quietly into a mic and had another guy keep an eye on the man he’d been watching at the craps table.
“How far back?” He switched to the lobby camera.
“Ten, maybe twelve minutes ago.”
“Okay.” He started to tap on the keyboard, then the picture jumped to that timeline. “Anything I can search for? A color of a shirt, jeans, height?”
“A man on a phone.” I spotted myself on the screen and moved closer to study the footage. Multiple green boxes outlined several men on their phones.
“Can you help narrow them down?” he asked.
“Are any of them watching me?” I knew it was a longshot, but to my surprise, he moved the camera angle, so it was from my point of view looking around the lobby. He did a compete circle and the green boxes followed the men.
“Two of them were.” He brought their faces to the side of the screen.
“Can you see if they were watching Grim too?” I pointed to Grim across the way.
“Yeah.” He tapped away, and the green boxes around the two guys turned red. “No, they didn’t look in his direction.” I rubbed my head and ran multiple scenarios of what was happening.
“Can you tell me approximately how tall they are?”
“This guy,” Leo brought up the guy on the left, “given by what he’s standing next to, is roughly five-five.” He tapped again. “This one is about five-eight.” I thought about the man who attacked me; he was much taller. “What’s this about, Kenna?”
“Can anyone access these cameras?” He laughed but stopped when he saw my face. “I’m serious, Leo. You hear about hackers, so could these be hacked right now, and you wouldn’t know?”
“Not with how much we pay to keep people out. You’d have to be the best of the best, and those guys work for us.”
“Who has access to this room?”
“A select few and, apparently, you.”
I looked at the phone and sucked in a deep breath.
“What about my phone?” I tossed in on the desk like it might bite me. “Could my phone be bugged?”
“Highly unlikely, but,” he moved to a different computer and plugged in my phone, “I can run it through here and see if anything pops up.” I stood over his shoulder, then he pulled out a chair next to him. “This will take a moment.”
“Maybe I’m losing my mind,” I confessed but knew I wasn’t.
“Maybe it’s because you were attacked, and you haven’t dealt with it yet.” He shrugged sympathetically. “I wasn’t aware you had one of those.” He pointed at the black key card.
“Grim knows.”
“I figured, considering it’s his.”
“Are you okay with that?”
“If my brother gave you his black key card, I’m fine with it.”