Page 9 of Havoc
“He didn’t exactly give it to me, more of he didn’t take it back when I tried to give it to him.”
“I see.”
“Strange, right? I mean, does this get me anywhere? I’m still trying to understand why he hasn’t asked for it back.”
“He must really trust you.” The corners of his mouth went up, but he focused back on the computer.
“I don’t think Grim trusts most people. Well, the ones who aren’t in his direct bloodline or have four legs.”
“He does love his dogs. Did he ever tell you about how he came to own them?”
“I just figured they were a gift from the Devil for all his hard work.” I didn’t mean to be so sarcastic, but I was dealing with a lot. “No, he never told me.”
“Grim’s dark, there’s no question about it.” Leo smiled. He loved to talk about his older brother. “He knew Leal and Zhar when they were just babies. They belonged to someone else back then. Then when they were about two, something bad happened and he took them. It’s a long story, but ask him about it sometime.” The computer made a noise and drew our attention. “Just as I guessed, it’s clean.”
“Can people hack into your phone and change a ringtone?” I knew I sounded crazy.
He tried to pry. “Only if they have access to your account online or know the passcode to your phone. Did that happen?” I ran a frustrated hand through my hair and closed my eyes, confused how this person knew so many things. “You seem very spooked, so what do you think happened?”
“Spooked doesn’t even describe what’s going on inside me,” I huffed. “Look, I really appreciate your help. Wish I could say I’m just overreacting, but…” I shrugged. “Thanks, Leo.” I patted his arm and stood. “As always, I appreciate that you’re so ready to help.”
“Any time.” He nodded and handed me my phone. “Are you staying at your house or in your suite tonight?”
“My suite, via Jim’s request.”
“I think that’s a smart idea.” He leaned back and looked at me. “Have you slept?”
“At first, I did. Slept like the dead.”
“And now?”
“I don’t know.” I leaned my hip into the desk and pressed my lips together. “It’s like I’m scared to shut my eyes. Afraid they might come into my room at night. I’m afraid of where my mind will go when I’m not in control of it.”
“Exhausting, overwhelming, the list is endless.” I smiled apologetically. “Sorry. It’s just been a hard last few days.”
“Don’t be sorry. I’m glad I’m someone you feel you can share stuff with.”
“You are.” I loved Leo. He had such a warm heart. “Well, I’m off to go lie in bed and count the minutes until tomorrow.”
“Remember, that card opens any door,” he called as I left. I wasn’t sure exactly what he meant, but my head was too tired to figure it out. I almost ran into Simon as I headed for the elevator.
“Whoa. Everything okay?” he asked as he looked at me.
“Yeah.” I was sure my lie was written all over my face.
“I’d like to finish that conversation we started the other day on the phone.” My stomach rolled, and he appeared to read my mood. “Perhaps a little later, then.”
“Thanks. That’d be better.” I could barely make eye contact, I felt so out of sorts.
“No problem.” He studied me for another beat then smiled warmly and let me pass. I hurried into the elevator and was glad when the two steel doors closed.
I showered and changed into an oversized t-shirt I’d stolen from Dale before we broke up. It had his name on the sleeve and the culinary school where he’d graduated. I only wore it because it was soft, and maybe it reminded me of a time where I hadn’t slept alone.
The glow from the flameless candles on the living room table provided just enough light to move about comfortably in my suite. I missed my house, but I didn’t miss the ground floor windows or doors. Sounds were different here. It was quieter way up in the sky, and even though there was only one way into the place, I found myself staring at the door. Scared the handle would turn.
The time ticked by, and I never moved from the couch. My heart was in my throat, and tears streamed down my cheeks. I was such a strong person, and it bothered me that I couldn’t hold it together now that I was alone.