Page 108 of Lessons In Grey
“What did he say?” Grey asked, leading me towards the stage, his tone demanding, even.
“He said he would kill her if she didn’t return home. That I needed to tell her to answer her phone.”
Grey’s eyes shifted to me as I sat down on the edge of the stage. “He’s been messaging you?”
My phone suddenly felt like a lead weight in my pocket. “Iblocked his number,” I replied numbly. “Yesterday morning.”
“Emily,” Ash tried, walking over, crouching down in front of me. “I wouldn’t have told you if I thought it was an idle threat, okay? I’m scared for you. You have to call the police.”
I rolled my eyes and dropped my head into my hands. “Ash, there is a certified killer standing in this room,” I mumbled.
“Yeah, I know, I just didn’t want to assume he was still wanting to kill him.” She stood and I looked up. “You still up for killing him?”
“This entire generation has been horribly desensitized,” Grey muttered from his desk just as the door opened.
I straightened and looked over just as Remi, Cam, and Katelyn walked in. God, they were perfect. Beautiful in every way. I rolled my eyes and shoved myself to a stand, turning to Ash. “Killing someone is serious. I completely understand where you’re coming from. I understand that you want to protect me, and this seems like the easiest solution, but I promise you, it’s not, and if he did justdothat, it'd still weigh on your conscious, no matter how much you wanted it,” I explained in a hush tone.
Her brows pulled together in worry. “Em, he’s going to kill you.”
I knew that. I understood that. I understood the threats, and yes, I found it incredibly attractive that Grey wanted to kill him for me, and I was terrified of Jordan, but I put a lot of thought into it yesterday while I was decorating. A lot of thought, and it just wasn’t a snap decision. It couldn’t be a snap decision.
“Ash, just…ignore the calls, don’t put your address anywhere, move in with Syn if you’re afraid, but please, please take into account the true weight of this.”
“What’s up, bitch,” Remi greeted, popping her gum.
God, I wanted to disappear.
Ash sneered. “Could you beanymorecliché?” she asked, taking in her pink dress, her pigtails, and her bright makeup. “You’re vomit-inducing as a person in general and you need helpthat doesn’t come in the form of a small plastic baggie.”
“She fucked my man,” Remi popped, looking me over and sneering. “The whole school is talking about it.”
I rolled my eyes and turned away, my mind still on the threat. Jordan had called Ash. I was one thing, but Ash? No. No, I couldn’t let that happen. I pulled out my phone and unblocked his phone number, sliding my phone back. I could handle the insults, the threats, but I couldn’t handle not knowing what he was sending Ash.
“You’re not even going to defend yourself?” she asked, pulling my attention back. “You finally got what you wanted, and you’re not even going to stand up for him?”
I found her eyes, suddenly exhausted, like that weight I had finally gotten rid of was now dragging me back down to the depths of the ocean. “I don’t need to justify anything to you. Just go snort your illegal coke, go fuck Diamond and leave me alone.”
My eyes shifted to Grey who was leaning back against his desk, jacket gone, sleeves pushed up to his forearms, healing scratches visible on his right hand. He had to have known that, right? Using her for so long, he should have known that.
Remi laughed, pulling my attention over as she looked towards Grey. “If you ever want a real woman, you know where to find me,” she winked.
Ash sneered. “And what part of you is real?”
“Shut up, you dyke cunt.”
My head whipped around to Cam, my lips parting in shock. What thefuckdid she just say to my best fucking friend? Before I could stop myself, I was slamming my fist into her nose with every ounce of strength I had in me.
Her head jerked back, pain shooting up my arm. “Fuck,” I hissed, feeling my knuckles pop. God that fucking hurt!
“What thefuck!” Cam snarled, holding her nose, blood pouring from it.
“Oh shit,” Ash laughed, grabbing my shoulder.
Katelyn was inspecting Cam. “Tip your head back.”
Remi shot an evil glare my way. “You’ll fucking pay for that, you worthless, psychotic, bitch.”
Grey appeared between us, his shoulders tense. “Get her to the school nurse.”