Page 117 of Lessons In Grey
He captured my lips before I could get out another word, his hand gripping into the hair at the base of my skull, pinning me against him.
Immediately, I wanted to fuck him. I felt his tongue slide into my mouth in such desperation, it made my head spin. It was as if he were trying to consume my very being in this deep, slow, sensual way.
All too soon, he broke away, leaning his forehead against mine, both of us out of breath.
I caught my lip between my teeth, sliding my hand over his thigh, the other holding onto his tie tightly. I wanted more. I needed more.
“Never,” he finally said, his eyes finding mine. “If I could stitch you into me for the rest of our days, I would, Snowflake, don’t ever doubt that.”
Our thoughts were vibrating on the same frequency too. Our souls were becoming one. “Okay,” was all I could manage to get out.
After another few seconds, he finally leaned back, his grip in my hair easing as he searched my face. “I don’t want you to leave,” he repeated, “but I don’t want you to be afraid either.”
I squeezed his thigh, unable to help myself, watching as his eyelids fluttered along with a muscle in his jaw. “I’m not afraid,” I told him as he found my gaze again, his pupils blown. “That’s what I was trying to say. What I wanted to say. What I should definitely tell my former therapist. Grey, I’m not…I’m not scared of what you do or this world that I’m falling into. I’m scared of walking this world alone again. I mean, I’ll probably get scared, you know, if something happens to me or you, I’m not a complete psycho, but in this moment, I’m not scared. I trust you.”
He growled, his hand tightening in my hair again. “Fuck, baby, I want to fuck you so goddamn much.”
I pressed my own thighs together, the heat growing between us, my hand tightening around his thigh as I gently tugged at his tie. “Oka—”
The door opened.
A frustrated rage unlike anything I had felt before filled me as I pulled away from him, sliding off the stage. I turned away from the door, trying to regain control of myself, my face burning hot.
“Don’t stop on my account.”
Diamond’s voice sent pins and needles across my skin.
I turned to him, Grey already standing, but despite the circumstances, he looked completely relaxed.
“The entire school knows you’re fucking.”
“If I were you,” Grey began, his voice deadly, “I’d beverycareful how you go about the next few minutes.”
Diamond only smiled. “I appreciate your threats, Greyson, but we all know I can’t be touched. I’m too loud, too big. The entire city will know about my death, there would be no escaping it. Why else have you kept me alive besides that, hmm?”
“You and Eris truly have no idea who you’re messing with, and I’ve tried to give you leniency with it, but you’ve gone a step too far.”
Diamond laughed, shaking his head. “We all know you were going to kill him anyway. I saw the state he was in. If it helps, he thought you sent us. Whatever you’ve done since she moved out worked. He had snapped.”
My curiosity grew. It had only been three days. What could he have done in three days that would have made him break already?
“Malachi Adler sent me here to deal with your little operation discreetly,” he went on, and I watched as Diamond’s face paled, his smile disappearing quickly. “You were stepping on too many toes and all you had to do was stop selling to people who were underage. That’s it. That’s all there was to it, but you kept pushing, and you kept going, and now? Now you’ve fucked up. Sending people after Emily, going into her home, killing her stepbrother.”
“Malachi Adler,” Diamond breathed out, falling back a step. “We had-we had no idea, Greyson.”
Now I was confused. I assumed that if Diamond knew about Greyson being the one behind the mask, he would have known about Malachi. How did that work? Shit, I knew very little about this world. I needed to ask more questions. Grey was worth all of it, but fuck, if I was going to be apart of his life, I needed to at least know a bit more. So far, I felt like such a shitty girlfriend.
Grey walked up to him, and while Diamond was larger instature, Grey’s energy overpowered everything else. He stepped into Diamond’s face, never lifting a finger, never raising his voice. “Eris wanted my fucking attention, he’s got it. Go tell your boss what he’s done.”
My heart was thrumming, my pussy throbbing.Fuck.
“Greyson, please,” Diamond pleaded. “We had no idea you worked for Malachi. Please, you have to understand, it’s just business.”
“It isjustbusiness,” he agreed, standing above the cowering Headmaster. “And tell him that if I ever find out that he sent people after my girl again, I’ll fucking kill him. You, however, need to start sleeping with one eye open. I don’t care who the fuck you are, I’ve gotten rid of far more well-known men than you.”
I flicked my tongue over my bottom lip, sucking it between my teeth. Shit.
Diamond’s eyes flicked to mine.