Page 126 of Lessons In Grey
Syn took my hand, squeezing it tightly. “Her father is fine,” Syn said quietly. “He called Ash yesterday wondering why Emily hadn’t texted him about whether or not she was going to the charity event, he’s…he’s fine.”
I couldn’t breathe.
I turned away from him, clutching my chest, rage and panic swirling in my stomach, causing it to twist.
Before I could even understand what was happening, I had my phone to my ear.
“Ash, for the last time—”
“They told her that Harold was in an accident.”
Navarro went silent for only a moment before a crash sounded through his phone. “Fuck!” Clattering and banging sounded on the other end. “She fucking lied to me. Put Jeremy on the goddamn phone.”
I flinched back and turned to Jeremy, holding out the phone to him, suddenly a little scared about what was going to happen.
He took it from me, his blue eyes hard. He didn’t say anythingas he put it to his ear.
I could hear the yelling and shouting from here, but I couldn’t decipher the words.
“Fuck,” Jeremy muttered under his breath. He hung up the phone and held it out to me. “He’s on his way back. You two need to get to the loft.”
I took the phone from him, studying him. “Are you going to be okay?”
He fell back into his seat, rubbing his face. “I’m not as great at this as they are. I keep fucking up, and I didn’t want to fuckthisup. He’s on his way.”
I didn’t have it in me to comfort him right now. Rather, I grabbed Syn’s hand. “He’s going to break every traffic law to get here, and I’m sure he knows the police. It’ll still be about three hours, maybe. We need to convince Jerry to let us up there, come on.”
Syn nodded, sending one last glance at Jeremy before we headed for the door.
December 3rd, 2021
Islammed my fist into the horn as I weaved in and out of traffic, my heart beating painfully against my ribs.
I would never forgive myself for this. I wouldneverforgive myself for not listening to Ash sooner.
But Emily had been better. There had been no need to worry. Everything was fine.
She had to be okay. She had to befuckingokay. She was still texting me, she had to be okay.
I couldn’t live without her. I couldn’t breathe without her. There was no me without her. She was going to be okay.
And once I found her safe and out of harm’s way, I was going to find Eris and I was going tofuckingrip him apart.
Where thefuckhad Matthew been? I should have fucking killed Eris and Diamond before I left. Why didn’t I do it?When have I ever justletpeople go like that?
But they had listened. They had stepped back. They had disappeared into the nothing, following Malachi’s orders. I had had nothing to fear.
They had made a huge fucking mistake.
I slammed on my breaks in front of the building, sliding right up to the curb.
I slid out, storming across the lobby, Ash screaming at Jerry to let her in, Syn looking on in worry.
I pulled out my gun and pointed it at Jerry’s head. Sorry Jerry. “Give me the spare key,” I ordered, Ash panting beside me.