Page 160 of Lessons In Grey
This was Malachi? He was nothing like I had pictured. This man was shorter than Grey, clean of any tattoos that I could see, although most of him was covered. When he smiled, it was kind, good. There was warmth around him.
Even so, I was shocked when Grey stepped in front of me as if he were trying to shield me from the man who had saved him.
“Greyson, it is so good to see you again, and bespoke my heart, darling Emily, you are a vision.”
I pulled Grey’s jacket closer, settling in the familiar cologne and the comforting warmth. “Thank you,” I said, glancing to the back of Grey’s head in question. What was going on?
Jeremy stepped up beside me, skimming his hand over my arm as another shadow appeared around the corner.
“Azrael,” Grey breathed, his shoulders tensing. “Malachi, what’s going on?”
Azrael walked down the pathway, his eyes flicking to mine, that mask still on his face. Too many people here for his comfort, I supposed.
Malachi watched Grey for a moment before his eyes shifted to me. “I will treat the company well. Jack is drawing up the paperwork as we speak, but unfortunately, it will be some time before you and I can sit down and discuss logistics. Emily, it was so good to finally meet the woman who stole my son’s heart. As a father, all we want in life is for our boys to grow into good young men and fly out of their nests.”
I swallowed, glancing from Malachi to Azrael and back. Deep breath. I straightened, lifting my chin, trying to remain respectful and confident. “Thank you for your offer. It was more than generous.” What thefuckwas happening?
“Oh, I would have paid far more, but we’ve got some things we’re in the middle of,” he smiled easily, as if to comfort me.
Azrael’s eyes found mine and he smiled, his blue eyes filled with death and ice.
I shivered, leaning into Jeremy’s touch, wanting nothing more than for it to be Grey. I needed Grey.
Malachi turned his warm smile onto Grey, although a sadness started to grow in his eyes. Regret. “Such a lovely night. Beautiful speeches, beautiful causes. Beautiful women. I’m so sorry that I have to ruin it.”
Grey’s hands tightened at his sides. “Did Azrael finally tell youwho did it?”
“No,” Azrael said, his cold eyes flicking to his brother’s. “I don’t like spoiling my secrets.”
“I solved the puzzle,” Malachi said, but the relief I had expected in his eyes never showed.
My brows furrowed, and it was an effort to keep my mouth shut. I wanted to know. I needed the answer. I wanted to know that Malachi had ended this, that Grey and I were safe, but it wasn’t my place.
Grey took a step forward. “Who is it?”
“Louis Nelson,” Malachi answered, causing Grey to straighten.
“That’s impossible, he’s dead. I put a bullet in his skull.”
“Which is why he’s so sour,” Azrael smirked, angling his chin. “You should have made sure he stayed dead, brother.”
Malachi stepped up to Grey, his eyes regretful. “I understand your requests, and I respect them, but as he’s going after your family,” he went on, glancing to me, “perhaps you should think through your next steps.”
My heart thudded, my mind racing, my breathing quickening. Wait. I had seen enough movies, had watched enough shows to know what that meant. “He needs to go,” I said, causing three pairs of eyes to find mine. “Is that what you’re saying? That he needs to leave?” I didn’t want him to leave. I never wanted him to leave.
“I’m sorry, darling,” Malachi said, his shoulders falling, “but Louis is getting closer to you. The only way to keep him away is to lead him away. Matthew?” he said, his eyes shifting.
I glanced back, a man joining us. He was wearing a suit too. Brown eyes, light brown hair, ordinary man. Easy to blend in. He must have been in there with us. I hadn’t noticed him even once.
“Matthew and Jeremy will remain with you, and I have people on your friends. You will all be safe.”
I studied him for a moment before turning back to Malachi, searching his eyes, my chest tightening. I stepped out of Jeremy’sgrasp and joined Grey, holding his eyes with everything I was. “Will he be safe?” I was his girlfriend, right? I deserved to knowsomething, right?
Malachi opened his mouth, and I shook my head, the burning behind my eyes growing. “Don’t lie to me, please. I know you are trained. I know you are powerful. I’ve heard stories, so many stories. I understand that he can be safe, but I wantyourpromise, Malachi, that he will be safe. He needs to come back. He has to come back. Please.”
Malachi watched me for a long time before he stepped up to me and held out his hand.
I took it without hesitation, my eyes burning, my throat closing as he placed his other hand over mine. Grey was leaving. He was leaving and there was nothing anyone could do to change that. “I give you my word, Emily, Greyson will be safe. I will see to it personally, I promise.” He said it in such a way that even God himself would believe him. Nobody in the world, in the universe would ever doubt his word and I almost hated him for it. I didn’t know why, but I did.