Page 149 of Jake's Angel
We found a building in town equal distance from the tattoo shop and Ethan’s gym. Gabe and Russell came together to finance the purchase of the building and made it a point to put lights and security in every corner.
The two women have been working tirelessly to get the studio ready to open next month. Hiring crews to install special flooring and mirrors. Building lockers and storage for the students and staff. They even installed poles in one room to teach the art of striptease and burlesque to adults who want to learn.
Pres called church for this afternoon, so I’ve asked Skyler to bring Avery with her to the clubhouse for the party.
We’re all at the clubhouse waiting for Pres to call church into session. I’d be lying if I said I’m hoping church lets out quick so I can see my woman. It’s only been a few hours since I’ve touched her, but the feel of her body near mine is something I’ve come to crave.
Gabe is across the room, apparently arguing with Liz. Caleb is standing behind Liz, smiling at Gabe over his wife’s shoulder. Gabe looks frustrated, while Liz is full of her usual fire and sass.
“Pres,” Colt calls from behind the bar. Pres pauses his conversation to see what’s up. “Mr. Parisi is at the gate asking to see you.”
Gabe drops his head. I don’t blame him. Vincenzo never comes with good news and doesn’t care if his delivery is respectful or not.
“Let him in,” Gabe replies. “We’ll have church after he leaves.”
We all gather around closer, waiting to hear why Vincenzo is here. He comes strolling through the clubhouse doors, withMatteo and Santiago flanking him as he walks up to the bar and orders the prospect to pour him a whiskey on the rocks.
Colt looks to Gabe for permission. With an exaggerated sigh, Gabe gives the go ahead.
Vincenzo takes the whiskey and saunters into the room further, joining the rest of us.
Vincenzo smiles at Gabe’s terse response.
“How have things been? Everyone healthy?” Gabe’s eyes narrow at Vincenzo’s question.
“Should they not be?”
Vincenzo smiles around his whiskey glass. He takes a long pull, then says, “Perhaps some more so than others. How is our mutual friend?”
“He’s not my friend. He’s a traitor. And he’s club business.”
“Hmm.” Vincenzo puts his hand in his pocket. “Perhaps we should have a chat in the sanctuary, as you call it.” It’s not a question. “We have some things to discuss, privately.”
Sadie and Jayde have just come through the clubhouse doors. Their conversation halts the minute they see Vincenzo standing in the middle of the room.
“Miss Jenkins. Miss Mackenzie. Good to see you both,” he greets, raising his glass in their direction.
“Mr. Parisi. What a surprise. Are you here for Avery’s welcome home party?” Sadie asks.
“No.” Gabe and Pop reply in unison. Pop’s been working here in town more since Avery’s incident. Russell moved to a farm home on a large spread of land, conducting business from his home office as much as possible, not wanting to be away from Avery. Mom says she thinks he’s feeling guilty for not knowing what Eleanor had been doing to Avery and wants to stay close now to help protect her.
I don’t know how I feel about the man myself. Part of me wants to kill him for allowing the shit that happened right under his nose—under his roof. But the other part of me, the part Avery says I need to listen to more often, wants to believe he’s genuinely pissed and remorseful for those things and he loves her. So long as he doesn’t hurt my Angel, I’ll leave them to figure their shit out.
“Thank you for the invite, Miss Jenkins. I’d love to stay and welcome Avery to the town properly.” Vincenzo looks pleased with himself for the growl he elicits from both Gabe and Pop.
“Let’s go get this shit over with,” Gabe grumbles. “Officers only. The rest of you get this place ready for my daughter’s party,” He shoots a glare at Liz. “Whatever Liz wants, just fucking do it so I don’t have to listen to her bitch later.”
Liz looks pleased with herself. Caleb kisses the top of her head and follows the rest of us into the sanctuary.
“Close the door.” Parisi tells Ethan as he strolls in last.
Gabe takes a seat at the head of the table with Vincenzo sitting opposite him at the far end. His men standing on each side of him while Pop and Declan do the same for Pres.
“You know, this is becoming a habit for you. Coming into my clubhouse unannounced, ordering drinks, and demanding meetings like you run the fucking place,” Gabe starts. “Shit’s starting to grade on my last nerve, ya know?”