Page 150 of Jake's Angel
Parisi lifts a hand. “I mean no disrespect, but I’m a busy man and I don’t waste time when I have things to accomplish.”
“And what is it you need to accomplish now?”
We all sit silently, watching the two play a game of back and forth.
“Have you heard anything about Eleanor or Marco Cusenza’s whereabouts?” Vincenzo asks cutting straight to the point.
Gabe sighs, scrubbing his hand down his face, frustration evident in his voice. “No. They’ve both vanished into thin air. Weheard Eleanor was arrested, but we haven’t been able to locate her in the system. She was never booked on charges, but one of the cameras caught her climbing into the back of a cop car.”
“Mmm,” Vincenzo murmurs and nods. “She did indeed leave in a police vehicle, but the officer she left with is one in question.”
“Meaning what, exactly?” I ask, leaning on the table. “You think he’s dirty or helping her somehow?”
“Are you all familiar with Captain James Swanson?”
Hawk opens his laptop and starts tapping the keys the way he does. Seconds later he announces to the room, “He’s the cop who’s arrested Cusenza in the past, but he’s never been able to make the charges stick.”
“Wonder why that is?” Vincenzo says, in a tone that says he knows exactly why.
“You got something to say, then spit it out. We’ve got our own shit to do. Ain’t got time to be playing twenty fucking questions until you get to your goddamn point.” Gabe’s frustration has officially turned to lack of patience and zero fucks to give.
“Captain Swanson is a man of reputable character among the people, and questionable character to those who know the truth. He plays both sides of the law. He’s loyal to whichever side favors him personally. But his loyalties are fickle at best.”
“So, you’re saying he’s in Cusenza’s pocket,” Jameson states skeptically. “Why would Cusenza have a cop on his payroll that he can’t trust? If this guy’s loyalty is only to himself, what makes Cusenza think he’ll be able to keep him on his payroll?”
“The same way he keeps most people on his payroll. More money and blackmail. It’s the currency of the underworld,” Vincenzo says it with a smirk and an air of pride.
“So, you think we find the cop we find Cusenza?” Gabe infers. “But what about Eleanor?” The way he says her name, it sounds like he’s been gargling nails.
“Oh, he helped her escape, but that was back when she had money to give. Russell’s latest trick has left her penniless and without friends,” Vincenzo says, then finishes off his whiskey, rolling the glass around on the table in his hand. “Her friends in Baron’s Edge were only her friends because she was married to money and she had dirt on everyone. But it seems her own closet was full of skeletons and now that they’ve been released, and her face plastered all over the news—what with accusations of theft from the company and cheating on her husband, Baron’s Edge’s elite have washed their hands of her.”
“She must have a friend somewhere. She has to have someone financing her. She can’t touch anything of Russell’s out of the bank or the police would be able to track her,” Ethan says. “She can’t use credit cards because they leave a trail as well.”
“Then Cusenza must be helping her. It’s the only thing that makes sense,” Declan concludes.
“You know, Mr. O’Malley. It surprises me you haven’t taken a vested interest in Captain Swanson.” Vincenzo looks at Declan with curiosity. Declan’s face holds almost the same curious expression.
Folding his arms over his chest, he asks, “Why would a police captain interest me?”
Vincenzo seems to realize something about what he’s said, because both his eyebrows raise, and his expression is now one of interest more than curiosity.
“I must have you confused with someone else. Forgive me. I thought perhaps there was a link between the two of you. My mistake.” Vincenzo waves off the discussion. “Gabriel. Might I suggest speaking to your brother, Thomas? He may have better information on Cusenza’s whereabouts, which could lead us to Eleanor as well?”
“That man in the basement is not my brother. And no one is going to speak to him about shit any time soon. He can rot in hiscell for a little while longer. I don’t believe a goddamn thing he says anyway.”
“I see,” Parisi says with finality. He stands from his chair, buttoning his suit jacket. “I’d better be on my way then. As always, it was enlightening to speak with you all.”
Vincenzo and his men leave the sanctuary, leaving the rest of us looking around the table at each other, trying to put together what the fuck had just happened.
Skyler tookme to the clubhouse tonight for my official welcome home party. I told everyone it wasn’t necessary, but telling Liz no is futile.
We finished putting together the final touches in the last classroom in our dance studio today. Skyler has agreed to teach teens and adult classes ranging from tap, to hip-hop, to striptease and burlesque. While I will teach little girls and teens everything else in between.
Gramps helped finance the business so I could finally own a studio like I’ve always dreamed of doing. Having Skyler come along as my partner was like adding icing to the cake. She’s a phenomenal dancer, and she even knows how to choreograph full shows, which is great when you want to plan recitals.