Page 153 of Jake's Angel
The clubhouse is fairly quiet except for the music playing. Everyone is still in shock, I think at seeing my Angel kick ass.
The front door to the clubhouse opens, and Violet walks in with Carter. She makes eye contact with Declan but bypasses him and heads toward Skyler. Declan makes his way over to their conversation.
I wonder what’s going on, but I need to focus on Avery.
“Are you all right, Angel?” She looks up at me with a giddy expression.
“Never better,” she says, smiling before she lands a kiss on my lips. I pull away and school my face, making her think I’m pissed at her. Her expression changes to one of fear and concern.
“Are you mad at me?” she asks, the worry evident in her voice as it goes a little higher in pitch. “She deserved that shit for what she did to Sadie, and you know it,” she defends. “She’s been on our asses for months, and when I finally put her in her place, you’re mad at me?” she’s yelling now.
I’m standing with my arms crossed over my chest, watching her but not giving away anything in my expression. “You are fucking unbelievable,” she shouts, poking her finger into my chest. I glance down and watch as she continues to jab me with it, fighting like hell not to smile.
“Pres. The bitch needs to go for disrespecting my woman and my President. What say you, men?” I call out to the room.
“AYE!” they all shout in unison. It’s not how we usually do things, but I’m not leaving my woman to take a vote in church for some stupid whore who knows better.
Gabe tells Dec, “This bitch has ten minutes to collect her shit, then I want you to escort her ass off the compound and ban her from all Kings properties.”
“You got it!” Declan stalks over to her, lifting Drea by her arm. Dylan hands him a rag from behind the counter.
“Don’t want to get anything on ya,” he tells his brother. Dec nods and drags her ass to her room to gather her things.
Caleb, Liz, and Mom come walking through the doors with large containers full of food, surprised at how quiet the room has become. Not missing the edge in the atmosphere, Liz hollers, “What’d we miss?”
“Just your granddaughter handing a club whore her ass for disrespecting Sadie and threatening to touch her man. Oh, and for disrespecting her as my daughter.” Gabe laughs. “Just another night at the clubhouse, Ma.”
“Dammit! I miss all the good stuff!” Liz whines. “Which one did you clobber?” she asks Avery, who tries to hide her giggle at Liz’s enthusiasm.
“The purple pixie,” she whispers.
“Well, I’ll be damned! You are your mother’s daughter!” she shouts with pride. Gabe throws his head back in a roar of laughter, followed by Caleb, who turns his head away, laughing himself. “Your mama would be proud of you, little Bug. Did anybody get that shit on video?” She cups her hands and shouts out to ask the crowd. I shake my head and drop my chin to my chest to hide my smirk.
“Thanks, Grams,” Avery answers. Liz’s eyes shine at Avery’s acknowledgment of her grandmother. She reaches up and cups Avery’s cheek and nods.
“All right! You boys come help me get all this food unloaded or you can feed your own sorry asses!” A couple of the guys hop up and follow her out.
Sadie comes walking out of the bathroom with Jayde hanging around her shoulder. It’s clear she’s been crying. She looks pale. I turn to find out what’s going on, but it’s Hawk who steps up to her first. He leans in, grabbing her shoulder, lifting her chin to meet his eyes. He says something to her quiet enough where only they can hear. She looks up at him and scowls, then shoves him out of her way.
“Sadie, come on. Don’t be like that.” Sadie storms out the door, leaving Jayde standing there.
“Should I ask you what that’s all about?” I ask Jayde.
“No. I mean, she didn’t really tell me anything. I followed her to the bathroom because I thought she was crying aboutwhat the bitch had said to her. But when I didn’t find her in the bathroom, I came back out, and she was coming from the basement door looking sick and crying.”
“The basement? What the hell was she doing down there?”
“She talks to her dad sometimes. She got permission. She wanted to get to know him. Find out about him and Rene before everything went crazy,” Avery tells me.
“I guess when Drea started in on her, spewing the bullshit about Hawk. She made it sound like he and Sadie had been seeing each other, but I know they haven’t been. Sadie’s been spending all her time either training at the gym or working with Matteo.”
“Parisi’s right hand?”
“Yeah. I thought you knew. He’s her business partner,” Avery says like it’s common knowledge. “All I know is I lost my shit when I saw Sadie had been crying and Drea was running her mouth.”
“Yeah, Sadie rarely loses her shit around other people. She keeps herself pretty well under control,” I tell her, though I know she knows this. Not sure why Sadie took the verbal bashing to heart this time when she never has before. I make a mental note to talk to Hawk about it later, but right now, he’s got enough shit to deal with.