Page 8 of The Step Don't
I roll my eyes, pretending it’s the last thing I want to do, when really, I’m here for it. “Just halfway.”
We dump our trash, and then Ash climbs on my back. I spoil my stepbrother by carrying him the whole way…and feel strangely proud of myself when I do.
The following Tuesday,after I finish my classes, I head back to the Alpha Theta Mu house. I hurry through my usual routine—snack, brush my teeth, shower up. I get dressed, then let my gerbils out of their cage and spend some time with them on my love seat while watching TV. Sagan’s crawling around on my chest while I roll Darwin up in the hem of my shirt—she’d spend her life this way if she could.
There’s a knock at my door, and I answer it with Sagan on my shoulder and Darwin still rolled up in my shirt.
“Oh, you got the mice out,” Lance says.
“You know they’re not mice.”
“Yeah, Darwin and…what’s the other one?”
“Sagan. I would’ve expected them to be great friends, but Sagan nips at Darwin a bit. Don’t you, girl?”
Lance pulls a face before smiling. “Okay…some of the guys were gonna head down to the rec center for pickleball, if you want to come with. I almost texted, but then I was like, I can get off my lazy ass and knock next door.”
“I would, but today’s my meeting with Mom.”
He chuckles, closing his eyes. “That’s right. Maybe I was trying to block out the fact that you have to schedule your meetings with one of your parents.”
“I’d complain, but since our therapist suggested this, it’s actually been a lot better.”
I have a strange relationship with my parents. They aren’t like Steve, Colin’s dad, who’s very present and attentive, and who’s been as good for me as Colin since they entered my life. Mom and Dad aren’t really affectionate or emotional people. Highly intelligent, yes, but the qualities that have made them successful in their careers have made them struggle with parenting. And that Mom sets aside this time for me means a lot.
“Yeah, no, I wasn’t meaning to criticize or joke,” Lance says quickly, like he’s horrified I might have mistaken his playful remark for anything else.
“I knew what you meant. But it’s a no on pickleball for today. Maybe next time?”
“Of course.” He starts like he’s about to come in for a hug, but after eyeing Sagan, offers his fist for a bump.
I watch some more TV before my allotted four o’clock with Mom. Usually, she calls, but she can be a few minutes late, so I give her five before ringing her up,keeping her on speaker so I can manage Darwin and Sagan.
“Lauren Fuller speaking—oh, no, it’s you, Ash. Sorry, I saw your name come up. I’m just in the middle of something and can’t think straight.”
I tense up. “In the middle of something? You remember this is our scheduled time, right?”
Yes, she has a difficult job.“Criminals don’t lock themselves up”is always her joke at a party when it comes out she’s a prosecutor with the DA.
Mom’s not one for jokes.
But she is one for sticking to a tight schedule, so to say I’m stunned by this would be an understatement.
“Didn’t Sarah get ahold of you?”
I grind my teeth. Sarah’s Mom’s personal assistant, who’s probably responsible for more than a few of Colin’s and my birthday and Christmas presents.
“Why would I talk to Sarah about our meeting?”
“She was supposed to call and reschedule because we have a deposition we couldn’t get to until…right now. They’re still parking, but they’ll be in soon, and I’ll have to go.”
I run my hand through my hair. “And you couldn’t text me to let me know?”