Page 46 of Easton
His question nearly makes me swallow my tongue. I love seeing this side of East, him trusting me enough to let me in on the things that happen inside his head. “I don’t feel like I do anything special,” I tell him.
“That’s what makes it special.”
“Okay, so I don’t think I do anything more than most good people would.”
“There aren’t a lot of good people in the world. Can’t you see that this is a once-in-a-lifetime experience and let me give you a compliment? You’re not much better at taking them than I am.”
Okay, well, that’s true, though that’s not typically a problem for me. “I guess I don’t feel like people should have to be complimented for things everyone should do.”
East shakes his head like he doesn’t know what to do with me, which is a strange turn of events. Usually that’s me doing it to him.
“But they don’t. That’s the point. They don’t, but you do. I wish…”
My heart beats so loudly, I can hardly hear myself think. “Wish what?” I ask when he doesn’t continue.
“Nothing. I don’t want to talk about it anymore. We’re almost at the bar. Let’s just…stop by and see if Morgan or Dusty are there. That way you can get your annoying social tendencies out of the way.”
“We don’t have to.”
“Take the win, Arch. Who the fuck knows if I’ll ever give you another one.”
He’s right. Of course he is. I’ve paid enough attention to understand East’s motivations more than I used to, and though he’s suggesting we stop by the bar because he wants to do something nice for me, because he thinks I’m doing something out of the ordinary by being nice to him, I see it for the big step it is. Not wanting to ruin the moment, I don’t even tell him that he called me Arch, though the simple nickname makes me feel like the sun is shooting out of my pores or something.
Instead, I tell him, “Good boy,” and watch his pupils flare when he looks my way.
I do that. I give him that—strength, and those good feelings that course through him when I give him those two words,goodbeing something he never thought he is.
I’ve never been so proud of anything in my life, and I want nothing more than to keep chasing this feeling with East.
Unfortunately, Dusty’s Jeepand Morgan’s new truck are in the parking lot of the bar when we pull in. I can’t pretend I wasn’t hoping they wouldn’t be there. I’m not proud of that fact, but it’s a fact nonetheless.
Archer parks by Dusty’s Jeep and thankfully doesn’t coddle me by asking if I’m sure or anything like that. As soon as we approach the door, I hear pounding from inside.
Archer peeks in. “Dust?” he calls out, and the noise stops. Archer holds the door open for me, and we go inside. “We were out for a drive, saw your vehicles here, and thought we’d stop by,” Archer tells the two men standing side by side and staring at us like we’re fucking aliens.
“Something interesting?” I ask.
“Maybe they’re struck dumb by our beauty,” Archer adds.
My heart is beating too fast. I feel dissected, like they’re trying to figure us out, and like if they do, I’ll lose it. I do my best not to let that show, try to steady my breathing and will my heart to slow. “I mean, mine I can see, but I’m not sure you’re on the same level.”
What I don’t expect is Archer’s, “I can see that.”
My surprise must be clear on my face because it snaps Morgan and Dusty out of their trance, making them laugh.
I guess it’s one thing to see me and Archer together after I fuck up, but something else entirely if we’re just hanging out. “I got into trouble again. Archer to the rescue.”
“No, he didn’t. He’s being a brat,” Archer tells them.
“I didn’t think you did something wrong,” Morgan says. “I’m just…glad you’re here. What do you think?” Morgan puts his hands out toward the room. I take it all in, which at the moment doesn’t look like anything except a gutted bar.
“Empty,” I reply.
Morgan chuckles, taking it in stride. “Do you want to see the plans? What it’s going to look like when we’re done?”