Page 58 of Easton
For the first time, I think I want to see that. The truth is, I do like Archer. As frightened as I am, I want to be with him, and that does make me want to be better.
“I’m proud of you, East. That you’re letting Archer in. Did you know that Rhett stopped by Gracie’s to see Morgan yesterday?”
My gaze snaps up at the news. “He did?”
“Yeah, it was only for a few minutes, but it’s a start. I called Rhett afterward, and he said you’d been to see him, that you told him to talk to Morgan. That one move had so much power. Ithink it helped open Rhett’s eyes. You don’t see it, East, but you have so many people around you that love you.”
He’s right. And I do see it, or I’ve started to lately, at least when it comes to my brothers, Dusty, and Archer. I don’t think he’sinlove with me, but he cares about me. It’s just… “Don’t know how to accept it. I’m trying, though.”
“I know you are.”
He wraps his arms around me in a hug, and I let him, hug him back even, but then start to feel awkward and unsure, so I say, “So…I heard not too long ago that you fucked my…” Shit. My what? Archer isn’t my anything. We haven’t put a name on it. Would I want to call him my boyfriend? I would. “Archer. I think it’s his magic dick.”
Dusty pulls away, laughing. “Christ, East. Only you. And give yourself some credit. It’s not his dick that’s magic, but the way he makes you feel in here.” He pats over my heart. “You know that was nothing, though, right? With me and him. Whatever you two have going, it doesn’t take a genius to see it’s more.”
It is. I can’t deny that. “I can’t get upset about things that happened in his past. How is that fair?” And then, because my chest is lighter than it typically is, I find myself saying, “Just don’t think you can do it again.” Archer is mine. I don’t want to share him.
He holds up his hands in surrender and smiles. “I have my man. There’s no one for me but Morgan.”
Which I don’t doubt. They’ve always been meant to be, and damned if I don’t wonder if there’s some way Archer and I can be too. “Thank you,” I say softly. “For…being my brother.” Because really, that’s what Dusty has been to me. He was right there with Morgan and Rhett when they were taking care of me and El, and then just taking care of me. And even when things were rocky between Dusty and Morgan, or me and Morgan and Rhett, Dusty was always there for me too. He gave me a job and dealt with allmy shit. As good a man as Archer is, Morgan found one who’s just as incredible.
“You’re welcome, East.” His voice cracks with emotion. “Thank you for being my brother too.”
I turn away, trying to hide all this damn emotion I’ve been feeling lately. “That’s enough mushy stuff.”
Dusty laughs, and I can’t help but join him.
Ican tellEast is nervous, and honestly, I am too. I’m fairly certain our reasons are different, though. I just want everything to be perfect for him today. I want him to have fun and feel loved. Like he has a family in his corner because that’s what my family will become to him. Once they get to know him, they’ll fall for him like I have, and even if things don’t work out between us, we’re connected for life, like Cora said. They will always be good to East.
“You okay?” I ask. We took my car, and East is in the passenger seat, folding one of his butterflies. He brought paper with him that he has in his back pocket.
His one-word answer doesn’t sound too convincing. I’m so damn curious to ask him about the Ella thing too, but we haven’t talked about it since the night he told me. I’ve done some research, and I wonder if he has some kind of PTSD from what happened with Ella. East seems to have a lot of the symptoms—negative thoughts about himself, difficulty with close relationships, mood swings, self-destructive behaviors—and I read that some people have auditory hallucinations. Though in this case, he said he knows she’s not really there.
And despite him never mentioning it, I’ve stayed with him enough to see that he doesn’t sleep well, sometimes making noises and mumbling to the point where I wonder if he’s having nightmares. That usually stops when I pull him into my arms.
On the other hand, what the hell do I know? I’m not a psychiatrist.
“Hmm?” He turns to me, all blue eyes and fear.
“You’re a good boy, coming with me today. I’m so fucking proud of you.”
I swear it looks like he melts in response, like me saying that builds him up and helps him fight back some of that fear.
“Your good boy,” he says, making my heart swell. That’s the last thing I ever expected him to say to me.
“Yes. Fuck yes.” I reach over, threading our fingers together, holding his hand until I have to pull into the driveway of my childhood home.
“Meadow and Cass will be here?” he asks as I park.
Cass had called when I was with East to ask what I was doing this weekend. When the topic came up about them joining us, something they’ve often done, it was actually East who said they should. I’m not sure if that was the best decision, but it seemed to take some of the pressure off him, so I’m all for that.