Page 111 of Redeeming Heart
The other team was staring at us with worry in their eyes when I got my team back on their feet and hyped for another round, but this time I will be joining them.
I stopped to look at Isabelle when she pulled me to her. “You’ve got this, Adams. You just proved to me that you are capable of anything.”
“Together, we are capable of achieving great things.” I corrected.
I raised my gaze and found Brandon standing opposite me on the bleachers behind our bench.
I didn’t forget about our bet and I was going to beat his record of yesterday.
Clarissa was on the bench and I was left with Megan on my side.
“Let’s get some points on the board.”
My speech was short, but it was enough to get them hyped.
The opposing team got the first touch of the ball and didn’t take me too long to get used to their pace. It’s more or the same as what I used to be familiar with because it used to be my exact way of playing.
I ordered Megan to stay beside me at all costs when I figured out their game plan. She quickly picked up as well and before I could wrap my mind around what was going on, I found Megan busting her way through the girls with the ball. I found my feet and called the girls to stick close and defend Megan.
She surprised me with a quick, short pass and I went for a goal.
We expected the goalkeeper to deflect our shot, but we were ready. Megan caught the ball when their goalkeeper tried to flick it back to her team, which was almost successful until Megan stole it from them and went for a successful shot of the goal.
Megan and I bumped our fists.
“Let’s get that trophy.” She said and I agreed.
The second, third and fourth goal was scored by me, and every time I jogged past where Brandon was seated, I would pump my chest with my fist and point at him getting a chuckle out of him.
The game got heated and soon we were fighting for the final goal that would make one of the teams’ championships.
We got the first touch of the ball, but the opposing team intercepted it from us and went for a goal. We thought it was over, but Tammy deflected their blow and slammed the ball through to me. I used my momentum to turn myself around without falling on my ass and struct the ball down the field. Running after it with twelve girls behind me chasing the ball.
I didn’t take a second to think when I got to the ball and was on the line which permitted me to go for a goal. I slammed the ball past the goalkeepers’ feet and was ready for her deflecting blow but she wasn’t ready for mine.
The ball went through with a successful strike which made us championships in the national indoor championship.
I was tackled by my whole team of fourteen girls when the umpire blew the whistle bringing the game to an end which rightfully made us champions.
“We did it!” Tammy yelled.
“We are the champions!” Megan cheered, throwing her arms around my shoulders and hugging me tightly before lifting me in the air.
She placed me back down on my feet and continued to embrace each other. I made my way through them when I spotted Brandon and my father standing on the side. I went over to greet them—my dad was the first to embrace me with a hug to congratulate me.
“So, what do I get for winning the challenge? Huh?” I teased Brandon after my dad was done with his congratulations.
“I guess, the championship.” He joked.
I chuckled at him and hugged him. I yelped softly when he lifted me off the ground for a short period before placing me back down.
“It’s time to go get your trophy, Rebel.” He said, releasing me.
I nodded at him and jogged over to my team who shared their excitement with me.
“I give you the new champions of the national indoor hockey championship, Louisiana’s Rebels!”
The girls pushed me over to the stage and let me collect the trophy. I shook hands with everyone who was on the stage before being given a moment to say something. I used to run away from a mic, but today I had a reason to change that.