Page 113 of Redeeming Heart
Kissing a boy never seemed to cross my mind when I was younger, but it suddenly came across my mind when I found myself caged in his arms and pressed up against his chest.
There was this undefinable feeling rushing through my system, waking up every part of me that I never knew existed to a point where I was losing touch with the world.
Is this what intimacy felt like?
Why would I suddenly feel like this when all I did was convince myself nothing was going on between us?
An upbeat song made us move away from each other, but not far enough as our bodies still touched whenever we danced to the song.
Should I let myself be indulged by everything he can give me and see where it takes us? Or should I run as far as I possibly can because fear was playing tricks on me again?
What was I saying?
I didn’t even know if he liked me in that way.
To him, I am a friend and maybe that’s all he wants to be. He said it himself that his heart belongs to someone else.
The invincible force around us raptured and suddenly the room came rushing back. I didn’t even realize that he was also caught in a daze until I noticed his unblinking gaze on me.
They have a certain spark in them that I’ve never seen before and I was suddenly curious to know what it meant.
“Hey, man. Ashley is losing her god damn mind.” Jake said rushing over to grab Brandon and tow him away.
He told me that he would be back over his shoulder before he disappeared with Jake.
Not wanting to look weirdly, I decided to see what the girls were up to and found them playing spin the bottle.
“Hey, captain. You want to play?” Tammy asked.
“Isn’t this like a high school thing?” I queried sitting down next to Briana.
Tammy shrugged. “When has truth or dare never been fun?”
She had a point.
I acknowledged everyone and noticed it was mostly girls from my team and Brandon’s. They looked if they can at least take a joke or two and I didn’t feel too much worried about their dares.
Their first truth and dares were kinds of basic things.
Down a shot.
Share their fears.
Question where they had their first kiss.
Talk about a high school crush where everyone started to take part.
We were in the middle of discussing Megan’s first kiss which was totally awkward when Ashley came over and plumped down after finding a space in the circle we created.
Most of the people looked uncomfortable with having her amongst them and some decided to leave.
Her friends tried to get her to leave, but she stubbornly turned them down and asked who had to go next. Being unsure we pulled up our shoulders because we stopped playing a long time ago.
She decided to take over without asking and started to spin the bottle taking charge with the truths and dares.
“Hey,” I heard Brandon’s annoyed voice from behind me. I glanced over my shoulder and found him sitting down with a sigh.