Page 121 of Redeeming Heart
She was gone by the time I got out. I hurried to get done when the bus pulled up outside.
The girl’s bus just pulled up as well and while I was getting my bags to the bus, I caught Sasha standing amongst her team with a tired smile.
“I’ll be right back,” I told Jake.
“The bus is going to leave.” He called back when I hurried over to get to Sasha before the bus leaves.
“Sasha,” I called out loud enough for her to hear.
Her friends moved aside when they noticed me, but I wasn’t bothered by any of their surprised looks. All I cared about was the girl standing in front of me wearing a dazzling smile.
“Hey, I thought you already left.” She said.
I shook my head and took her hand in mine and tugged her slightly to the side which she didn’t object.
“This is going to sound extremely arrogant of me.” I started with.
“Will you be able to wait for me until I get back?” I didn’t doubt her or even imagined her running off with someone else.
She chuckled.
“I just wanted to ask you the same question.” She looked almost mortified when she mentioned it.
I couldn’t leave without kissing her.
I cupped her chin in my hand and dipped my head to meet her soft lips.
“What was that for?” She asked.
“I wanted to make sure it isn’t a dream.”
The wide grin appearing on her face told me that she also needed clarification.
“I am going to miss you,” She confessed.
“Not because of last night, but because I am going to miss your banter, jokes, and just you overall.”
She has no idea how much I was going to miss her.
I pulled off my Stanley cup ring that I won a few years ago during the NHL’s Stanley cup finals.
I then took her hand in mine. “This is my promise of coming back to you,” I said slipping it onto one of her fingers.
“I have nothing to give you,” She noted with awe.
“Just your word is promise enough for me, angel.” I don’t care if she believes her mother was the angel in disguise because Sasha is my angel.
She nodded and gave me one last hug before I had to leave.
“Go out there and kick some ass. Make sure you bring the cup home.”
I kissed her one last time when Jake called for me to hurry up.
I glanced over my shoulder when I reached the bus and I was so close to telling her that I love her, but I feared it would only scare her away.
So, I whispered the words only for me to hear before I got on the bus.