Page 126 of Redeeming Heart
I let my shoulders fall with a sigh.
“What’s going on Sasha?” She asked.
“Hailey showed up at Jaylin’s dance studio and shared with her the news of you joining a hockey club after you stopped playing for three years. Should I even start asking about the guy friend who you have been hanging out or is that just something that doesn’t exist?” She asked, being her straightforward self.
I still didn’t speak because I had so much to share with them, but I didn’t know where to begin. I have never felt this controversial when it came to our relationship. We used to talk about everything and knew everything about each other.
“Are you going to make me beat it out of you?” She then questioned and I believed her because that’s exactly who she was.
I raised my gaze when Jaylin decided to join as well. The look on her face was evident that she wanted to know what was going on and she let Camille be the one to break the ice.
Jaylin and I were close, but Camille and I were a bit closer. Both of us lost people we loved and Camille lost the will to live when horrible things were done to her.
Jaylin just had a selfish mom who ruined her childhood and her ability to trust people aside from us and her father.
“Are you mad at us for staying away for this long?” Jaylin asked, crossing her arms in front over her chest and leaning her hip against the counter.
“No, I am also to blame for staying away and not talking to any of you concerning my problems. I just thought I should face them on my own because they are my problems.”
I was referring to losing my mom, losing my mind, and wanting to set the world on fire which is something Jaylin once wanted to do until she met a guy who set her world on fire with fireworks.
“That’s guilt talking,” Jaylin noted, pushing herself up and pulling out a chair.
I was alone when they left and I told them that. I got lost along the way when I had no one to run to and yeah, I didn’t want to intrude on their happy lives with my depressing life.
I began with the truth of causing chaos because I couldn’t accept my father’s and Meredith’s engagement—losing my head on the field which cost me the season and a spot on a university hockey team.
Telling them about how coach Peterson approached me with an offer, how my dad thought it was a good idea to ground me which turned out to be a good thing and when I met Brandon on my way taking Jonah to school.
Told them about we started hanging out, becoming close friends, and how his friend Ashley couldn’t accept it and had to humiliate us by daring us to kiss.
“I’m in love with a guy that is more than 20000 miles away from here and I am unsure of what to do next.”
My confession triggered a few reactions from Jaylin and Camille. One of them being utterly baffled by the girl standing in front of them who always said she will never fall in love, but look at me now.
I woke up before sunrise to be on time for Brandon’s match that’s being broadcasted live on the sports channel.
I never thought I would turn into this type of girl who is hungover over a guy, watching every single match and cheering the loudest of everyone when he scores a goal.
I was now even the kind of girl who is glued to her phone.
Jonah joined me a few minutes later making sure to bring his blanket and pillow along—being cleverer than me at this point.
He never missed a game since he learned about Brandon’s team competing.
Jaylin joined us throughout the second half of the game. Brandon’s name appeared on the screen in big highlighted letters after he got tackled into the barrier.
He looked very unhappy but didn’t lose his self-control and I expected him to take revenge when he gets the chance. At the same time put some points between his team and their opponents.
“So, he is the guy?” Jaylin asked softly sharing the couch with me and playfully bump my shoulder with hers.
I nodded unable to get it out.
She seemed impressed when she smiled. “You have some good taste.” She observed as Brandon removed his helmet to take a sip from his water while listening to his coach speak.
“I learn from the best,” I responded with a cheeky grin.