Page 49 of Rushing Into Love
Ryder hesitated. He looked around, scoping out the practically empty theater.
“I guess, if it’s alright with Alex’s aunt,” he said, a hint of worry in his voice. Both kids looked to me for my response.
“Um, I guess it’s okay. If you guys sit right in front of us so we can see you,” I added, pointing to the row directly in front of me. “Does that work for you, Ryder?” I asked, turning to him. I could tell he was thinking about the paparazzi fiasco, gauging if this would put either child in danger.
“That should be fine,” he finally said, still looking a bit anxious.
“Yeah!” both kids said, high-fiving, before they scrambled to the next row, bouncing up and down in their seats with excitement.
Ryder slid in next to me, somehow managing to fold his extremely tall frame into the seat. We bumped arms on the joint armrest and a frisson of excitement shot through me. His fresh scent mingled with the smell of popcorn, and I had to resist the urge to lean closer to him. I flashed back to last night, me laying in his bed, him on top of me, and it definitely wasn’t PG.
Ryder jolted me out of my fantasy, leaning forward and tapping Charlie on the shoulder. “You guys be good, we’re right here,” he said, warning the children of our presence. Two little heads bobbed up and down.
“Yes, Daddy,” Charlie said in an angelic voice.
The lights dimmed even further and the opening credits rolled. Charlie and Alex calmed down, becoming quiet and still. Ryder leaned back, shifted around, trying to get comfortable in the seat. I was keenly aware of his lithe body inches from mine, our thighs brushing up against each other. Heat flashed through me and I was suddenly very warm. I peeled my sweater off, placing it on the seat next to me. Ryder eased his body closer to mine, his arm brushing against my bare skin, and shivers shot down my spine. He glanced over at me, his eyes dancing up and down my body, pausing ever-so-briefly at my chest. A slow smile spread across his face and I tried to relax, angling my body so our shoulders touched. He covertly reached over the armrest and grabbed my hand, interlacing his fingers with mine. I snuggled into him a teeny bit, breathing him in.
I could love this man. The thought floated unbidden through my mind before I chased it quickly away.Get a grip, Bree. Remember ‘go slow’?I tried to focus on the singing and dancing Legos, but it was practically impossible sitting next to this Adonis in denim. He traced soft circles on my hand, his breathing even and easy. He was unphased by the situation, whereas I was a hot mess.
Classic case of man vs. woman.I was overcomplicating life. He was pacified by sex. #typical.I hoped no one quizzed me about the movie because I would totally fail. Concentrating while in such close proximity to Ryder was pretty much impossible.
He repositioned, letting his arm slide off the armrest and onto my leg, resting our intertwined hands on the top of my thigh. A flash of heat rippled through my torso as his thumb slowly traced figure eights on my jeans, inching up a tad bit higher each time. I realized I was holding my breath. My legs tensed involuntarily under his touch.
Ryder leaned in close to me, his stubble tickling my cheek, and whispered softly into my ear, “I’d put my arm around you, but I’ve got to keep it PG.” He motioned to Charlie and Alex and I mutely nodded in agreement. He leaned back and a shiver rolled down my neck where his warm breath had been. I’d never sat through a more torturous, more delicious movie in my life.
As the final scene wrapped, we dropped hands, scooting away from each other.Nothing to see here, kids. The credits rolled and the lights came up. Alex and Charlie were bouncing and giggling with excitement, having sat through a movie ‘all by themselves.’
“Where to now, Dad?” asked Charlie, running around the row towards us. “Can we go get burgers at the 5-to-9’er? Please?” he begged.
“Sure,” Ryder said, ruffling Charlie’s hair.
“Can we go too, Aunt Bee?” Alex looked at me, hands clasped and pleading.
Ryder and I locked eyes. As much as I wanted to say ‘yes,’ being out in public like that scared me, especially with the kids.
“Um,” I said, gnawing my bottom lip, “I’m not really sure that’s a great idea, Alex.” I combed my fingers through my hair, stalling.What was I supposed to tell her? How was I supposed to explain this situation to a five-year-old? Your coach and I are ‘maybe’ being stalked by the paparazzi because they think we’re dating, which we pretty much are, even though I adamantly denied it on live TV? Oh, and Ryder’s ex-wife just got out of rehab, so we have to lay low to keep Charlie safe?
Luckily, Ryder stepped in. “How about we all go to our house?” He looked to Alex, then to Charlie. “Charlie has a lot of cool toys and we live on a big property, with lots of land to run around on. That will be way more fun for you guys. And we can have burgers there, too!” he added with extra enthusiasm, trying to sell the idea.
Charlie hesitated, shuffling his foot. “I don’t know, Dad. We don’t have chocolate milkshakes like the 5-to-9’er does.” He frowned up at Ryder.
“True. But we do have root beer and ice cream, so I can make you root beer floats. Almost as good,” Ryder said, patting Charlie on the shoulder. “C’mon little man, this will be way more fun for you. You can show Alex your swing set.”
Charlie’s face lit up. “Okay,” he said. “But only if we have fries, too.”
“Deal,” Ryder said, shaking Charlie’s hand. “Let’s go. I’ll call Gigi and Pops and let them know we’re on the way.”
At the mention of Ryder’s parents, my chest tightened and my stomach knotted with anxiety. I hadn’t planned on spending the afternoon with the entire McCauliffe clan. True, I’d already met them, but it had been brief and spontaneous. This was a semi-planned event and I was certain I’d have to make small talk with Ryder’s mom.What if she started quizzing me about Pax? Or my family history? Or my relationship with her son?
“Bree, are you good with this plan?” Ryder tapped my arm, pulling me back to reality.
“Uh, sure. I need to check with Alex’s mom, but it’s probably fine.”
I shot Brooklyn a quick text:
Ryder invited Alex and me over for dinner. Are you cool with that?
A few seconds later, I had a response: