Page 50 of Rushing Into Love
Brooklyn: I thought you went to the movies?
Bree: We did. We ran into Ryder and Charlie there. Totally spontaneous
Brooklyn: Seems like fate. Or maybe he’s tracking your phone
Bree: Don’t be dramatic. Peachtree Grove is small. Mere coincidence
Brooklyn: A happy one, I’m sure
I rolled my eyes.
Bree: So are you cool with us going over for dinner?
Brooklyn: Sure. Are you though? Meeting the family is a big step.
Inwardly, I groaned. Brooks got me better than anyone else; she knew I was secretly freaking out.
Brooklyn: If you want me to be the bad guy and say no, I will. I can totally handle the role
Bree: No, it’s ok. I can do this. Alex really wants to play with Charlie
Brooklyn: Ok, have fun then. And take a deep breath. You’ll be fine. Ryder’s parents will love you
Bree: Thx. Xoxoxo
“Okay, we’re good. Brooklyn is cool with the plan.”
I took Alex’s hand, Ryder took Charlie’s, and we all walked out of the theater together, like a normal couple with two children on a Sunday afternoon.
If only life were that easy…
* * *
I followedRyder back to his house, Alex chattering excitedly in the back seat the entire way. She’d really taken a shine to Charlie, so at least that was good. I took slow, deep breaths to calm myself. It wasn’t working. By the time we reached Ryder’s house, I was sweating despite the cool weather and my stomach churned.
Get it together, I warned myself as I opened the car door for Alex. She hopped out of the car and hit the ground running, chasing Charlie through the grass to the backyard.
Ryder watched them run, laughing. “Looks like they hit it off.” He grinned at me, blue eyes sparkling in the sun. “Even though she’s a girl.”
I laughed, my stomach muscles unclenching slightly. “Yes, it seems like they got past that small issue, thank goodness.”
“C’mon, they’ll be okay out there by themselves. Can I get you something to drink?”
“Water would be good. I have to be the responsible aunt today,” I said, nodding towards the field.
“Understood. Two waters coming right up.”
Unlocking the door, he ushered me inside. We walked to the kitchen, where he poured us two glasses of water.
“Thanks,” I said, taking the glass. I took a long sip of water.
Ryder took a few steps toward me and my pulse quickened. He wrapped his arms around my waist and I set my glass down, leaning into his embrace. I loved his strong arms around me, our hips pressed together, the fresh scent of his cologne on my skin. He leaned down, kissing me softly on the lips. His mouth was warm, a sharp contrast to the coolness of the water, and he kissed me harder and deeper. I let my hands travel down his waist to the back pockets of his jeans. He was so hard, so firm. His body tensed with desire and a soft moan escaped my lips. This was absolute, wonderful, maddening torture.
I broke away, blushing. “What about the kids? We can’t have them walking in on us like this,” I said, glancing towards the back of the house.
“They’ll be out there until we drag them in, trust me,” he said, grabbing me by the waist and pulling me in for another deep kiss. His hands cupped my face and he kissed me lightly, then with more pressure, tongues involved. A tingle moved through my body, all the way to my toes, and I was very, very warm.
I broke away again. “What about your mother?” I said in a loud whisper, motioning to the other house.