Page 21 of Master A-0011
“Her full name. Got it.”
“Give it time, Ethan. There’s no rush.”
“Of course.”
“Great. I’ll email over the contract when I feel it’s the right time. There’s one thing I won’t bend on. If you cut her, keep it below the neck. No more on her face. That’s already going to be quite the job. Let’s not keep adding to it.”
“Job? You just said—You’re going to fix it?” My head shook, angrily. “I don’t want her fixed.”
“I said they’d know about her, as in they’dhearabout how she was scarred and hidden away, not that they’d get to see her like that. I get it, Master, but I’m not talking to you right now. I’m talking to Ethan O’Brien, heir of O’Brien Industries, and I’m saying Pearl needs work done if she’s going to take her rightful place next to you in society.”
“She can take her place just as she is.”
“This isn’t up for debate. As-is isn’t going to work. Her appointment is already set.”
“I don’t want her face fixed. I want it as it is right now.”
“Does she want that? Or do you think maybe she finally deserves some chance at a normal existence? One without whispers? One without stares? A marriage consists of two people, Ethan. We as men put our chosen first. We cater. We care and cherish. It’s not Master and slave with them; it’s husband and wife. You, of all people, should know that.I taught you better.Maybe I chose the wrong person forPearl Mallory.”
At her name and his step towards her, my hand shot up. My heart raced. He’d take her without a second thought, and all I could see was how Pearl’s wide eyes were so fixed on us. How her beauty was twisted with pain. It only had the fury building forwhat her family had put her through. I knew she couldn’t hear everything we were saying in our hushed tones, but she wasn’t deaf either. She knew our conversation was about her.
“Wait.” My teeth ground against each other repeatedly as I took in the deep line that went from her temple to just below her eye. Then I took in the cut I made just below her cheekbone.One of us. One of us. Mine?A rumble left me. “Fuck,” I growled. “Will the large one be gone completely?”
“It doesn’t have to be if you choose to go through the contract. It just needs to be more concealable. There, but not taking away from her natural beauty. We can do that here and make it work, Ethan, but you have to bend just like I will.”
“And if I agree and sign the contract, you’ll let her keep it?”
He let time stretch as he scanned my face. “I will, just as I said. Existing, but not enough to dominate her features. There has to be some form of balance.”
“And you won’t touch any other part of her body? You’ll leave those alone?”
“If that’s what you want. Like I said, her face is the only part of her off-limits. Mark her up as much as she consents to. Cut her. Take pieces of her flesh and make your own special soup with it. I don’t care as long as the public can’t see your damage.
I heard nothing else as my shoulder was gripped, but I knew the Main Master was departing. And her. All I saw was Pearl as she sat there more confused than ever. She could be more than ad. More than acrow. She could be Pearl O-Brien.She could be mine.
Four days.
If I thought the minutes were long, it didn’t compare to the silent days of routine and lessons. A butcher came. A chef. I learned the easiest way to remove limbs. I was shown how to peel back the skin. They took turns teaching me how my Master liked his meals. How to cook the different recipes and which body part was best for each one. The beginning was hard. Especially when I knew what I was handling, but eating was the hardest. I still couldn’t stomach a quarter of my plate when I knew who I was eating. But I couldn’t not eat. That was an insult. My Master was giving me a chance, and I couldn’t screw this up now. Not when I knew how hard it was for Ethan to keep me around to begin with. He refused to talk to me. That didn’t stop him from staring, but he hadn’t touched me again. Maybe I was right and the alcohol was to blame for his behavior. That had to be it. He regretted what happened, and now that he’d tasted me like he wanted, it was done. So…why did that bother me?Why did his withdrawal hurt? It was a blessing, wasn’t it? It was exactly what I had hoped for…wasn’t it?
“No-no-no.” Arms flew up in panic at my side, and my eyes widened as I froze. The herbs fell into the mixture for the roast, and pain webbed over the back of my hand from the thin cane the man hit me with. I jerked my hands to my chest, wincing through the throbbing pain and tears that welled in my eyes…again. From the warmth under my palm, I knew he’d finally broken the skin. Was I ever going to learn? I couldn’t think. Not about food.
“After the sauce.After. Three times now. Are you stupid, slave?”