Page 22 of Master A-0011
The roar from the front door had me jumping all over again. The rage on Ethan’s face left me wanting to run and hide, but there was nowhere to go.
“Master Eleven, I apologize. We’re almost finished. I’m afraidthis slave?—”
“Get the fuck out of my apartment before I shove that stick through your throat. You’re released.”
“B-But Master.”
“It’s my fault,” I rushed out as he walked closer. “He’s a good teacher, I’m just messing everything up.”
The chef looked between us. The short span of time was all it took for Ethan to lunge forward and close the distance. He ripped the cane from the chef, rearing back and connecting right across the man’s face. Not once. Twice. Three times.
Whack! Whack! Whack!
Wood exploded and screams had me torn on what to do. Compassion begged me to help, training left me rigid as I kept my place.
“If I ever see you again—” Ethan didn’t finish as he drug the man forward. He grabbed the knife I’d been cutting with,turning back to the chef to flatten his hand on the counter. The impact left a smacking sound as the blade connected with marble. I managed not to jump back as fingers rolled off the surface and onto the floor towards my feet. “You’re so lucky I don’t kill you. If you get near Pearl again, I will eat you alive.Literally!Touch her, and I’ll be the nightmare you can’t wake up from.Get it?”
Yells continued as the man tried to swipe his fingers. Ethan kicked him in his chest, sending the chef grunting and crashing to the ground.
“Those belong to Pearl now. Get the fuck out of our apartment.”
The chef scrambled to his feet, holding his bleeding hand at his chest as he raced for the door. It slammed behind him, kicking me into action as I dove down to pick up the fingers. Large hands grasped my sides before I could reach, lifting me to stand. My lips parted as my gaze met Ethan’s, but he seemed just as speechless as me.
“It was my fault,” I said, lowly. “I’m sorry.”
He still didn’t speak as he brought up my hand. His forehead crinkled and he let out a breath, shaking his head.
“You’re already so swollen and bruised. How many times did he hit you today?”
“Maybe four?”
He cursed, his jaw tightening as he continued to stare at my hand resting over his palm.
“This is my fault. I should have known not to leave you alone with him…or anyone. Not here. It could have been worse.” He stopped. “I’m going to have to think differently when it comes to you. I guess this will be a learning process.”
“I’ll make it easier, Master. I’m trying. I’ll try harder.” At his silence, I shifted, watching how he still stared down at our hands. “Are you still thinking of sending me back?”
Only then did his eyes lift to mine.
“I’m afraid there’s no going back anymore, Pearl.”
I almost smiled. Almost. I couldn’t think of anything worse than the solitude of the crow cells or the disgusting bullying of the guards, but it wasn’t easy here either. I was starving yet sick at the thought of eating, and there was nothing I could do about that.
“So, you’re giving me a chance to prove myself? Arealchance?”
My happiness leaked through my words, but my Master didn’t seem relieved or even satisfied with my reaction. If anything, he looked uncertain.
“Pearl, we need to talk.”
“Alright.” I glanced to the food on the counter. “May I throw this roast in the oven first? I’m afraid it won’t be as good as the one you usually eat, but I promise to do better on the next one.”
He gestured, and I rushed over, trying to figure out what he wanted to talk to me about that was so important. What could possibly be making him appear…nervous? Was the Main Master finding me someone else? Is that why I wasn’t going back to the cells?
Putting the lid on and opening the oven, I slid in the large pan, turning to face the man who’d spent the last two weeks avoiding me like the plague. If I wanted to be honest with myself, he still looked like he wanted to run. But it couldn’t be fear. I didn’t get that impression. No…regret.
I slowly walked back towards him.
Yes, I kept going back to that. Regret is what it must have been. It was the most plausible answer. He needed to keep me as a cook and housekeeper, but now he had to look at me. After what he’d done…it was probably too much.