Page 42 of Deadly Cravings
“No,” I shouted, slapping his shoulder.
He growled against my throat, and I slapped him again. The teeth retracted from my neck with a wet slurp.
I put my palm up, facing him. He glowered, blood dripping down his chin and staining his teeth. The big vampire inched forward, and I instinctively flattened my palm against his chest, breathing hard. The hard muscle was silky and smooth, the bronze skin matching mine. The vampire jerked, startled as he looked down at my hand against him. His wideness made me feel smaller than I’d ever felt, and Asher already dwarfed me in height.
Poking my other finger near his face, I cleared my throat. “No.” His brows furrowed so hard I was positive he didn’t understand. The odd blank eyes didn’t tell me much. My eyes flicked to the side, and I clocked the door.
Even if this was a dream, there was a level of reality. I gave into the urge to take off at a sprint but didn’t get far. Running face-first into his chest, I grunted as the sting radiated. He roughly grabbed my arms and tossed me on the bed. I bounced with a scream and his heavy body settled over my back, his teeth slamming into my shoulder.
I sucked in a shaky breath and shook as he sucked. The odd sensation causing a pulsing at my core. I could feel his body pinning me and his teeth in me, considering the height differences.
I rolled my hips up, trying to buck him, but he thrust down, his hard cock digging into the cleft of my ass.
Was this some vampire fantasy I’d conjured? That idea enhanced when a gush of wetness spread between my legs. I liked his domination.
I groaned and tipped my head back, grinding up as my heart battered against my ribs. Panting, I continued to grind, but he seemed lost in biting me. His teeth extracted and he slid them into another spot. Each stab of his incisors added to the gathering wetness.
Nails pierced my arm and I shot up in bed, panting. I scrambled for my inhaler, sucking in medication. Able to breathe, I hugged Binx to my chest.
“Thank you for waking me up,” I rasped and patted my neck, but there was no bite.
That dream felt so real.
The memory faded along the edges, and I couldn’t get a full grip on it. I groaned, rubbing my forehead. Binx grumbled on my chest. I stayed up for as long as I could, trying to find shapes within the popcorn ceiling. This must be some weird side effect from Asher biting me, it was bringing nightmares to the forefront.
Though, why would I not conjure the creep that initially starved me and instead some wide-shouldered hunk.Beats me.
I tooka slight detour before we headed to Saphire Lounge in a few hours. He’d touched her and I couldn’t let it go. His lust seeped from his pores and it infected my veins like poison. How dare he touch her? Leaning against the brick wall, I watched him exit the large building.
I’d been sure to put the large parking lot lamps out of commission and scour the area for any cameras to destroy them. George, the human male, held his arm to his chest, talking on the phone about going to the emergency room now that his shift was over. Blah, blah, blah. His whining grated on my ears.
I’d shared lovers of all shapes, sizes, genders. I’d partaken in orgies, and I’d never felt this overwhelming urge to murder for a mere touch. I left the pesky killing to Jax, Ren, or Bastien, when he was of sound mind—as sound as the big fuck could be.
Catalina had done this to me.
He arrived at his car a few feet away from me and set his phone on the top of his car as he fished for his car keys. I pushed off the wall and his eyes swung to me.
“Do you always touch what doesn’t belong to you?”
His expression crumpled in confusion.
“Who are you?”
I grinned, making sure my teeth were on full display. His scowl froze when I pushed my fangs free.
I took another step closer and he backed up, starting to breathe harder. The whites of his eyes became startlingly obvious.
“Don’t move,” I said pushing my will upon him. His body stiffened from the order and his eyes flicked side to side. “Remember.”
He jolted and tears flooded his eyes. Weak, little weaselly human.
“P-please, don’t hurt me.”
I pouted. In a sudden move, I lunged and gripped the back of his hair, leaning down so he had a clear view of my teeth. I tightened my grip on him until strands ripped in my fingers.