Page 43 of Deadly Cravings
Torturing for anything other than sexual reasons hadn’t ever attracted me, but I could see the allure.
“Please—” I tightened my grip and his words choked off.
“Please, please,” I mocked, pouting. “Such beautiful cries of pain.” I shivered. “While you’re dead, cold, and six feet under, I’ll be sliding my cock inside Catalina’s sweet, succulent petals.” I grinned.
His eyes widened. He touched my Pet and now look how he ended up. I tsked, shaking my head.
Binx jumpedoff the couch and his long tail swished as he disappeared into the house. The doorbell rang and I grunted as I extricated myself from my couch. It creaked as it bounced from my weight leaving it.
Asher stood at the entrance with his arms at his back. The silk cream shirt fell over his muscled shoulders, the indents of his muscles hinting through the thin material. I squeezed the doorknob. He was so fine it was criminal.
“Hello, Pet.” The smile directed at me struck me stupid for a beat, but I shook myself free of the lusting cobwebs.
“Are you going to invite me in?”
My lips parted, the words about to slip free, but I snapped them together.
“Is that a myth or do youhaveto be invited?”
“Regrettably, that bit is not a myth. Has something to do with energies.” His brow lifted, waiting for me to wave him in. My face heated thinking about him seeing my place. It wasn’t even furnished. After seeing their elaborate house, I wasn’t putting myself through that embarrassment. I cleared my throat and hugged my chest.
“I’d rather keep my house vamp free,” I mumbled.
Asher frowned, but it didn’t last long.
“We leave soon. But you know that right, since I told you to return.” My cheeks heated at the accusing tone.
“Uh, a thing I’m watching got really good.” It was a lame excuse, but I’d rather die than admit to him I didn’t want to see him while I was feeling so raw and sensitive. These emotions were new and I didn’t like it, especially since I could hide none of them.
I’d attempted to work through them, telling myself he was a vampire and drinking blood was how he survived. It meant nothing sexual necessarily—lie. The entire act was seeped with seduction.
I couldn’t help recalling how good his bites felt and that meant the innocent, unknowing human would feel the same way . . . and the way he called her “sweets” raked my insides. I studied his features, taking in the impassive smirk that always seemed to curve his lips. Specks of red on his sleeve caught my attention.
“Is that blood?” My eyes widened.
“Would you look at that,” he clicked his tongue disapprovingly and brushed at the spot, fixating on it. I puffed out my cheeks, shaking my head. I couldn’t bring myself to ask.
“Let me put my shoes on.” I left the door open and scurried away. It was a good thing I showered earlier. I shoved my shoes on, pocketed my inhaler, and emptied Binx’s water bowl. He never drank out of it, instead, he seemed to take perverse pleasure from spilling it.
As soon as I stepped out, Asher swept me close to his chest, pressing his lips to my cheek. I instinctively cringed, the pressure in my chest tight. I cleared my throat and tried offering a smile, but I wasn’t sure if it looked too much like a grimace.
“Are you all right, Pet?” His palm pressed to my forehead.
“I’m okay.” I gripped his arm.
He leaned close, invading my space and his nose wiggled slightly.
“Have you been around Jax?”
“Uh, no.” I hadn’t even seen the guy since he got all pissy about the dress Asher made me put on.
Asher hummed, distracted. The wrought iron gate creaked in the cool wind and the crow resting on one of the metal bars, twisted its head as it observed us. The breeze fluttered my hair around my shoulders, and I rubbed my arms for warmth.
I puffed my cheeks out, focusing on the steps as I ascended. Arms swept me up and I blinked at Asher. He briskly and quickly got us to the top. My hair whipped around my head and settled on my shoulders as I scrambled to hold onto him.