Page 78 of Not Until Her
I pick up our empty plates to take to the sink, hoping it’ll distract me from the unwanted idea in my head. Idon’twant that. She definitely doesn’t want that. We’re still not even really friends.
We just spend almost all of our free time together, even when there isn’t anything sexual involved. That doesn’t have to be a big deal.
I desperately wish I could talk to my friends about this. Vic and Autumn would know exactly what to say.
When I head back to the couch, she looks at me in a way that makes me feel like she can read my mind. I don’t like it.
“What?” I ask suspiciously.
Her body shifts uneasily.
“I think I’ve overstayed my welcome,” she says softly, but without moving to get up.
She smirks, and I realize I answered too fast.
But for the first time since meeting her, I don’t think I’m in trouble for exposing an emotion. She doesn’t look like she’s ready to jump up and run out on me.
“It’s something,” she tries. “Maybe you’re freaked out that I met your parents?”
I bite my lip, thinking about that. Is that part of what’s led me down this trail of thought?
“Maybe,” I admit.
And I want to admit more, I want to tell her everything in my head without worrying she’s going to immediately shut down.
“Can you promise me something? That if I tell you what I’m thinking you’re not going to revert to your bitchy ways?” I ask hopefully.
She laughs loudly enough that it pulls a smile onto my own face.
“My bitchy ways are always there. You just haven’t gotten on my nerves much lately.”
I shove her shoulder playfully.
“Is that what it is?”
“Yep. You’re acting practically normal.”
“Ew. How boring.”
She laughs again and then holds out her pinky.
I blink at it a few times, sure I’m hallucinating. Yet somehow, the image doesn’t disappear after a few seconds.
“That’s a joke right? You're teasing me or something.”
I continue staring in shock.
I glance at her face, reading her expression.
“You? Are a pinky promiser?” I ask disbelievingly.
She rolls her eyes.
“Why are you making a big deal of it? Just grab my pinky.”