Page 90 of Royal Pain
“Almost immediately I received decent sponsors, the ability to make money. As my subscribers grew and people started paying attention to what I was saying, travel companies started to contact me, restaurants. I could have gone to so many places for free but that wasn’t my point.”
I turned around to face him. “What I’m telling you, dearest Gage, is don’t underestimate the power of social media even in this case. To be honest with you, the worst thing in the world for these… vermin is public shame. Now that you’ve taken their money, they’re fighting mad but to unhinge them, they need public opinion. I know how to sway people. I could tell people the Sahara Desert is the place to be this summer and trips wouldbe booked. Don’t forget to call the right media outlets, those with a huge social media presence. Even the older crowd pays attention to TikTok these days, whether they’ll admit it or not.”
He narrowed his eyes and Jeff walked over.
“She’s right, boss. We need to coordinate a media attack at the same time, or slightly before. I know Valerio teased some reporters but it’s time to put together a statement. When the shit hits the fan, the community will be under full scrutiny, which means folks will want to see the place.”
“Fucking brilliant. Both of you,” Gage said. “I love it. Let me make some phone calls. I have a few connections out here that would love to help us out.”
He was almost giddy as he turned around, grabbing his phone and heading out of the room.
Sighing, I glanced at Jeff. I liked the guy. He and his team knew what they were doing and I felt safe.
“You know. You’re much stronger than you give yourself credit for,” he told me.
“I have to be. Do you have children?”
He shook his head. “There isn’t a woman who could put up with me.”
“Nonsense, Jeff. You just need to find the right one, one who will embrace your job, at least what you can tell her. Having a family will center you.”
He nodded. “I guess you’re right. That’s what Gage has needed for years but he didn’t know or admit it.”
“Such is the way with men. Stubborn.”
His smile was different than before, as if a little bit of the huge mercenary had softened. “If everything goes according to plans, and I have no doubt it will, take your own advice. The two of you are perfect together. Even in a tragedy, you can often find the brightest light in the sky. My mother used to say that and I had no clue what she meant. She winked and told me I’d figure it out when the time was right.”
“Your mother was a bright, bright woman.”
He laughed and walked to the desk they’d taken over as a command center. “I had these purchased for you. The last thing we need is for you to look like, well you.”
I pulled out black jeans and a turtleneck, even a hair clip. “Wow. You shouldn’t have.”
“You’d be surprised how much dark clothing can help, although dark blue is better. There was no time to be picky. There are boots too. You need to keep your head tonight. Your child isn’t the object of violence or danger by anyone, including those freaks who live there. However, they will use Damien against you if necessary. Keep your cool. Act as if you’re a killer and stay strong. It will be over before you know it and you can sit back watching the news unfold. And I assure you it won’t be pretty.”
I touched his arm and you would have thought I’d given him a million dollars by the look on his face. “You’re too cool for school, Jeff. I don’t know if anyone says that any longer, but I don’t care.”
“Unconventional is fabulous in my world.”
Gage returned, a smile on his face. “All I had to do was call my buddy who knows every major network. He was like a kid in a candy store, eager and ready to help expose the bastards forwhat they are. We should have an amazing show on our hands by this time tomorrow. With the FBI involved, things are going to get dicey.”
“Valerio set it up?” Jeff asked.
“He did.” Gage rubbed his jaw.
“And you’re certain the bastards aren’t working for the community?”
Gage laughed. “Trust me. They hate the organization and have been trying to take them down for years. From what I understand, the CIA is getting involved as well. International wire fraud.”
Jeff snickered. “Perfect. The bastards won’t know what hit them.”
I honestly hoped that would be the case. Sighing, I folded my arms, thinking of my sweet little boy. I only hoped by this time tomorrow, he’d be in my arms. Giggling. Throwing his arms around my neck.
Telling me he missed his mommy.
I prayed all the coordination, the planning, and the soldiers brought with us would matter. If not, I wasn’t certain I could survive spending the rest of my life without my son. Somehow, I doubted my handsome protector would allow that to occur.