Page 162 of Alpha Awakened
Hazard quickly assessed the panel. All three were in their late forties. Hazard couldn’t get a facial read on Hart while Reid looked as if she was there with an open mind. Collins appeared stern, his gaze narrow behind gold wire rim glasses.
After the introduction, Lieutenant General Reid began the hearing.
“Captain Royce Anderson and Corporal Dylan Mitchell.”
Hazard stood at attention. From the corner of his eye, he saw Ice do the same.
“You both are brought before this panel today on the charge of improper fraternization. Do you understand this charge?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Yes, I do.”
“Good. You may be seated and we will proceed.”
Lieutenant General Collins rested his clasped hands atop the panel bench and leaned forward. “The two of you are in a romantic relationship even though the difference in your ranks forbids it. And you have exchanged mating bites without seeking permission to do so,” he stated.
“That is correct,” Ice said.
Hazard simply nodded.
“I’m surprised to see this from soldiers with such exemplary records. I’m loathe to destroy two promising careers, so before we continue with the hearing, I offer a solution. Agree to end your relationship. We’ll transfer you to different units on different bases. After that, you’ll both be allowed to return toduty without further consequences.” He paused to let his words sink in. “Do you accept this solution?” Collins asked.
Hazard looked at Ice. Their eye contact was brief, but it was enough for them to communicate their feelings on the offered solution. They turned back to the judges.
“No,” they said in unison.
Collins looked disappointed. “I’m sorry to hear that. Then let us proceed with the hearing.”
Hazard’s heart began to pound. Now that the moment was here, nerves tumbled about in his stomach. But he was going to do it. He opened his mouth to speak. “Members of the court, I would like to —.”
Ice’s chair scraped the floor as he abruptly stood, the loud, harsh sound cutting Hazard off mid-sentence.
“I resign,” Ice said.
* * *
“What?” Hazard loudly exclaimed. “Royce you can’t do that!”
“Quiet please Corporal Mitchell!” Lieutenant General Hart sternly admonished.
Once it was quiet, Ice repeated his statement. “I resign my rank and position. That way, my mate can continue his career in the Legion without consequence as I will no longer be his superior officer.”
“No, he can’t quit!” Hazard protested. “Iwas going to quit.”
Ice turned to his mate. “Beat you to it.”
Hazard looked at him, his face flushed with shock and anger. But moments after their eyes met, the anger faded. Love shone on his mate’s face, so bright and pure that Ice felt the warmth of it in the connection they shared. Confident that he was doing the right thing for his mate, Ice turned back to the judges.
“Neither of you can simply quit,” Reid calmly stated. “You are both under contract to the US Legion.”
“I understand that,” Ice said with a nod. “But he is my mate. And I will do anything for him. There are six months left on my current contract and I have not yet signed my reenlistment papers. If the panel separates us, I will not reenlist.”
“If you resign, you will still be separated,” Reid pointed out.
“Wherever you station Corporal Mitchell, I will obtain civilian housing near that base. It’s not ideal, but we’ll still be able to be together when he’s not out in the field.”
Collins peered over the rim of his glasses to look down at Hazard.