Page 163 of Alpha Awakened
“Corporal Mitchell, what do you think of this?”
Hazard was now calm when he spoke. “My plan is much the same, sir. I’d like to request a general discharge. If that request is denied I will wait out the year left in my enlistment. Then I will leave. I mean no disrespect to the court. But the captain and I won’t be without each other. It’s as simple as that.”
Silence reigned after Hazard’s declaration.
Ice was proud of his mate for his conviction. He was also touched and amused that they’d both decided to give up their careers for the other. It couldn’t be any clearer what they both saw as the most important thing in their lives. It wasn’t their rank and position as soldiers. It was each other.
Hart broke the silence. “Let’s wait before we make any decisions on new units or resignations,” she said. “I understand that there are people who would like to speak on your behalf. Major Ortiz, please come forward.”
Ice watched as his squad leader went to stand in front of the panel. He’d been glad to see her and all the others there to show their support. He hadn’t expected any of them to speak.
“Good morning. My name is Major Samantha Ortiz. I am the commanding officer of Unit 448. Captain Royce Anderson and Corporals Jackson and Mitchell are under my leadership. Thank you for granting me the opportunity to speak on their behalf.”
“You’re welcome, Major Ortiz.”
The chamber was quiet as Ortiz explained about shifter dynamics and why it was practically impossible to resist their Instincts when it came to a romantic interest. Regardless of the ranks of the two shifters involved. Hart’s face remained carefully neutral. Bell looked as if she was trying to learn while Collins appeared unswayed.
“Thank you, Major,” Lieutenant General Hart said when Ortiz was finished. “We will take your statement into consideration. Please be seated.”
Ortiz thanked the judges and returned to the gallery.
“I would like to question Corporal Noah Jackson,” Collins suddenly said.
Jax rose and went to stand at attention in the spot vacated by the captain.
“Did either Corporal Mitchell or Captain Anderson ever behave in an improper manner toward you?” Collins asked. “Or attempt to solicit you for a romantic relationship?”
Jax almost snorted a laugh before he got himself under control. “No, sir. Corporal Mitchell and Captain Anderson only had eyes for each other. From the moment Corporal Mitchell arrived actually.”
“And did their relationship ever interfere in a mission or cause you to feel that you were not adequately supported by your teammates in the field?”
“Not one bit. Those two men are my teammates, my brothers, my packmates. And no matter what was going on between them, they always had my back, just like I had theirs. In fact, since Ice — Captain Anderson — became involved with Corporal Mitchell, he’s become an even better teammate to work with.”
“Thank you, Corporal Jackson.”
Jax saluted then retook his seat.
Lieutenant Colonel Gibbs and the blonde officer — Lieutenant Colonel Kelly — took turns speaking next, both stating their confidence that he and Hazard could continue working together despite their romantic relationship.
Once Kelly retook her seat, Hart addressed the group of soldiers sitting at the back of the gallery. “I’ve been informed that all of you here today have asked a representative to speak for you.”
As one, the group of soldiers rose. Boone stepped forward and approached the bench.
“Good morning. I’m Lance Corporal Ryder Boone.” He waved a hand to indicate the group standing with him. “We are here to show our support for our fellow soldiers. Captain Anderson and Corporal Mitchell should not be reprimanded or reassigned because of their relationship. Shifters don’t work like humans. Our physiology is different and there are instinctive urges that we can’t ignore without physical and mental consequence. If we do, we’re like to come down feeling sick as a dog. However, we shouldn’t be punished for that. Shifters are good soldiers. Excellent soldiers actually. All we want is for this great force that we serve to accept us as we are.”
Hart smiled, clearly charmed by Boone’s down-home demeanor and way of speaking.
“Thank you, Lance Corporal Boone.”
“Thank you to the panel for listening.” Boone saluted and the group of supporters all sat down.
“Is there anyone else?” Hart asked.
“Yes,” Major Ortiz said. “We have one more person who would like to be heard.”
Ice frowned, wondering who it could be.
The MP stationed at the door opened it for whoever was coming. The sound of high heels clicking on the tile floor preceded the speaker’s entrance.