Page 33 of Alpha Awakened
“Good to have an exit strategy.”
Hazard smiled and shook his head. He liked bantering with the usually quiet captain.
During their next patch of silence, the sound of an airboat approaching echoed over the water. In the distance, lights came into view.
“Finally,” he said, relieved. “Let’s off these mercs and get the fuck out of here.”
“Make your move, Corporal. I’ve got you covered.”
“I’m on it.” Hazard moved forward, ready for the takedown.
* * *
Ice watched through his scope as Hazard slid through the water, barely leaving a ripple in his wake. When he reached the dock in front of the cabin, he stayed submerged, lying in wait for the mercenaries.
The airboat motored up to the dock, the driver slowing down as they got closer. One of the mercs on board threw out a rope to catch on one of the posts to anchor the craft. The first merc to step onto the dock was empty handed. Hazard remained still, patiently waiting.
Although his partner couldn’t see him, Ice nodded in approval. It was best to get a visual confirmation on the asset they were after before they engaged. The second merc to jump onto the dock carried a silver briefcase with a black handle. Still Hazard waited. He stayed submerged until all three men on the boat had disembarked. Once they were all off the boat, walking single file up the dock to the cabin Hazard sprang into action.
He grabbed hold of the edge of the dock and swiftly hauled himself out of the water, landing in a defensive crouch. At his sudden appearance, the trio of mercs spun around. But they were sloppy and unprepared and Hazard was ready for them. They fumbled for their weapons but Hazard had already fired off his first shot.
There was a flash of orange gunfire then one of the mercs stumbled to the side and fell into the water with a splash. Mercenary number two went down the same way. The one holding the briefcase raised it up in front of him as a shield. Hazard hesitated, not wanting to shoot the case’s contents. The man, big, bald, and desperately trying to stay alive, took advantage of his hesitation and rushed at Hazard, swinging the briefcase like a war hammer.
Hazard stepped back, but the dock was only so big. He didn’t have much room to maneuver. When the merc was closer, Hazard tucked and rolled forward, coming up behind him. Before the big man had a chance to spin around to face him, Hazard kicked out and slammed a booted foot into the back of his knee. Then, he jumped on the merc’s back, holding on to his collar as he delivered the kill shot to the top of his skull. Theman’s lifeless body slowly crumpled. Hazard rode him all the way down until the dead guy lay prone on the dock, with Hazard perched on his back.
It was a skilled and deadly beautiful takedown. But Ice didn’t have time to sit there admiring his partner’s work. One of the tattered curtains in the cabin’s window twitched. Someone was inside.
“Movement in the cabin,” Ice quietly said over their comm link. “Stay down. I’ve got him.”
Hazard didn’t react so the hidden mercenary wouldn’t realize they’d been made and had lost the element of surprise. Ice waited. He steadied his breathing and curled his finger over the trigger.
The door burst open. A fourth mercenary ran out of the cabin, gun raised, yelling wildly.
From his far-off vantage point, Ice took aim and fired. The bullet sliced across the distance to strike the mercenary in the head. Red mist sprayed in the air and the merc tumbled back into the cabin to fall on the floor dead.
Hazard looked in his direction. Through his scope, Ice could see the grin on his blood splattered face.
“Thanks for the assist, Captain.”
“Couldn’t let you have all the fun.”
Hazard snorted. “Got the asset,” he said as he yanked the briefcase from the grasp of the dead merc. “Doing a sweep of the cabin before I check out the contents.”
Ice waited as Hazard momentarily disappeared from his view to inspect the cabin. He was back out on the dock seconds later.
“Empty. We’re clear.” He kneeled down and opened the case. A scoff of disdain came through the comm link. “Cheap bastards didn’t even bother to get a briefcase with a lock. Looks like everything they stole is inside.”
“Mercs on a budget. Get out of there and RV at my location.”
Ice continued watching through his rifle’s scope as Hazard rose to his feet with the briefcase in hand. His lips twisted in a smile when Hazard eyed the water with obvious reluctance. The omega’s shoulders lifted in a visible sigh before his voice came over the comm link.
“Hey, Captain. Think they’ll mind if I take their ride?”
“They’re dead so probably not.”
“Good. Because I’m not getting back in that fucking swamp.”