Page 34 of Alpha Awakened
Hazard jumped onto the airboat. The engine rumbled to life and Hazard steered the craft around to begin moving toward Ice’s location. Ice switched channels and called for ex-fil.
“Captain Anderson to control. Mission complete. Team is ready for pick-up.”
“Roger that, Captain. Your ride will be there in twenty.”
Hazard stopped the boat at the bank. He jumped off, water splashing as his boots hit the edge of the swamp. Ice stayed ready as his partner made his way up the hill, watching their surroundings just in case. Once Hazard was within speaking distance, he began breaking down his rifle.
When he had everything packed away, Hazard held up the metal briefcase and opened it to show him the contents. Several floppy discs and three manila folders stuffed with papers and held closed with binder clips lay inside.
“Bad guys dead. Intel secured. Not too shabby for our first two-man show, right partner?”
Pleased with their success, Ice nodded. “Let’s move out.”
* * *
They trekked through the forest until they reached the extraction point. Hazard leaned against a tree while they waitedfor ex-fil. He grinned at the captain, who was braced against a tree directly across from him.
Ice tilted his head to the side in question.
“That was the most I’ve heard you talk during a mission.”
“Guess your can’t shut up-itis is contagious,” Ice dryly said.
Hazard laughed. “Must be. Don’t take any medication for it. I like you this way.”
Ice shook his head once.
“Don’t need you to like me to do your job.”
Hazard eyed the captain from beneath his lashes. The alpha was big and dark and powerful. The strength of his presence was an overwhelming force that made his heart skip a beat. He liked the captain when he was silent. He liked him when he talked. He just liked him. He met Ice’s gaze fully, a slow smile curling his lips. “Too late.”
Their gazes held for a moment. Hazard read curiosity in the captain’s eyes. But not wanting to make it weird, and mindful that he needed to keep his attraction hidden, he lowered his lashes.
“Ready for my post mission reward.” Hazard changed the subject as he dug into one of the pockets of his tac vest. Grateful for his waterproof pack, he took out his cigarettes and a lighter. Lighting up, he pulled in a deep drag. Satisfaction instantly hit his brain. His shoulders relaxed when he exhaled, the scent of cherries drifting into the air on a cloud of smoke.
“Got another one of those?” Ice asked.
Hazard squeezed the cellophane pack to show that it was empty. “Sorry. This is my last one.”
After considering for a moment, he held the cigarette out to Ice. At the offer, the alpha briefly hesitated before he reached out with a gloved hand and plucked the cigarette from between Hazard’s fingers. Ice pushed up his mask. He put the cigarette tohis lips, the end glowing orange as he inhaled. He blew a stream of smoke in the air then looked down at the cigarette in surprise.
“Why is it sweet?”
Hazard laughed at his reaction. “It’s an omega-cig. They’re specially flavored for our omega taste buds. Most of them are sweet. I like the cherry flavored ones.”
Ice took another drag before he passed the cigarette back.
“I didn’t know they made anything like that.”
When Hazard accepted the o-cig back for another inhale, he tried not to think about the fact that his lips were touching where the captain’s had touched. An indirect kiss. Silly. Silly. Silly. Of course, he’d much rather feel those full lips on his directly.
Hazard inwardly groaned. He needed to cool it on those thoughts or he’d have a wet ass again. And this time it wouldn’t be from swamp water. To distract himself, he decided to share a nugget of info and fill in another gap in the captain’s shifter knowledge.
“Prior to the omega revolution, it was frowned upon, and in some places forbidden for omegas to smoke. But after, when we gained more freedom, Big Tobacco saw an opportunity to win over an untapped market. So they invented flavored cigarettes and marketed them with a campaign of ‘Bad ass on the outside and sweet on the inside. Just like you.’ They were an instant hit.”
Ice snorted. “Ridiculous.”