Page 44 of Smoke and Shadows
“Keep an eye on Petrech Labs,” Jiro said. “I have a feeling that Kwon will bring the war to our land.”
“What?” Viktor and Marissa said in unison, the thought never occurring to either of them.
“How do you think Stuart is going to get his war in Syria?” Jiro asked. “Attack the homeland—make it appear that it was sanctioned by the Ba’ath Party. The U.S. will have no choice but to declare war on Syria.”
“That son of a bitch,” Viktor snarled.
“This is bad. This is bad,” Marissa muttered over and over.
“Are you saying he’s planning to deploy chemical weapons on U.S. soil?” Viktor verified. “How is he even planning on bringing it in?”
“Watch your ports closely,” Jiro advised. “The lab uses a binary agent. They may import the components separately and assemble them here.”
Damn it, Viktor thought. Forget the killing of agents. Try killing thousands of innocents.
Derek hadhis hand around the neck of the whiskey bottle, lifted it to his mouth, and tossed it back. No matter how much he drank, he couldn’t get wasted enough to numb the festering pain in his chest. Was this what a broken heart felt like? He laughed mirthlessly. Derek Lockwood, 42, married less than two months, and looking at divorce soon. Well, fuck that. He would never give her a divorce. He might even take a page from Jack’s book and whisk her away until she realizes that there is no one else for her except him, damn it.
He tensed when he heard the keycard at the door. So his lying wife returns. He watched the door swing open as Sophie walked inside.
“Derek?” Sophie asked tentatively. “Why are you sitting in the dark?”
She flipped on the lights in the kitchen and the hallway.
He didn’t answer her. He didn’t know what to say andwanted to lash out at her. How could she throw away everything they’d shared? He was so certain she loved him as much as he loved her. He was insanely in love with his wife.
She walked in further, dropped her purse and her gym bag on the sofa, and switched on the lamp in the living room, making him flinch at the sudden luminosity.
“Are you drunk?” There was accusation in her voice.
“How was your evening?” Derek ignored her question. He wanted to get this over with.
There it was. Guilt. Sophie averted her eyes and pretended to dig into her purse.
“It was fine. Beth says hi, by the way.”
Derek laughed without humor. Sophie’s eyes narrowed as she asked, “What’s so funny?”
“Am I laughing because something is funny?” Derek asked sarcastically. “No. I’m laughing because my wife is a lying b— is a liar.”
Her eyes became shifty, but he’d have to hand it to her, she still managed to look indignant. “What are you talking about, Derek? When have I lied to you?”
“Where were you really this evening, Sophie?” Derek asked softly.
“I told you, I was with Beth—”
“Stop lying!” Derek roared as he jumped to his feet and stalked toward her. Sophie started backing away, but he gripped her shoulders and got into her face. “I saw Beth at Rooster Bar. You—were—not—with—her. Tracked you down.” He gritted his teeth. “You were with some man in a Japanese restaurant. He touched your face and you let him.”
Sophie’s face paled.
“Why, Sophie?” Derek’s voice broke as he sank to his knees. He buried his face in her belly. “I love you, don’t you see? You’re breaking my fucking heart, Angel. Tell me what to do. Please. I can’t let you go.”
“Derek—” Sophie’s voice caught in a sob. She knelt in front of him. Her fingers stroked his hair and tears spilled from her eyes as her face crumpled in remorse. “Derek, you have me. All of me. I’m in love with you.” She heaved deeply. “Only you. God, I didn’t mean to hurt you. I’m sorry I lied to you, but Viktor needed my help.”
Derek froze. A sense of foreboding quickly replacing the short-lived relief he felt. “What the fuck are you saying?”
Rising, he pulled Sophie to her feet. “Did Viktor drag you into his shit again?” Derek asked, fury ratcheting straight to his head.
“Um, you’d best talk to him. I told him I didn’t feel comfortable—”