Page 45 of Smoke and Shadows
Derek was already punching Viktor’s number.
His friend answered on the first ring.
“I guess your wife couldn’t keep her mouth shut,” Viktor said dryly.
“Fuck you, Viktor. Do you know what hell you put me through tonight?”
“Not sure I follow, Lockwood.”
“She told me she was meeting Beth Turner for drinks. I find out she isn’t and I locate her in a Japanese restaurant having dinner with some dickhead. Are you getting the picture now?”
“Ah, fuck.”
“What did you have her do?” Derek demanded.
“Ask her. I’d rather not talk about this over the phone.”
“This better be the last time you go behind my back and pull shit like this again, Viktor.”
“Can’t promise that.”
“Damn you. Go to hell!” He disconnected and threw the phone on the kitchen counter. It slid across the surface and clattered to the floor.
He glared at Sophie. “What did Viktor want?”
“He wanted me to arrange a meeting between Sensei Jiro, him, and Marissa Cole.”
“What does Viktor want with Matsuda?”
“I really have no idea, Derek. I’m just a go between.”
“I wish you’d told me about this sooner, Sophie,” Derek said, still angry, but surprisingly, the pain in his chest was gone. “Marissa Cole had two attempts on her life over the weekend. The car bomb last Sunday was her.”
“I saw that on the news. It was reported as an engine malfunction,” Sophie said, her eyes wide. “That was her?”
“Yes. From what I’ve gathered from the latest briefing, agents involved with two ops from eight years ago are being targeted.”
“So, you’re okay? They won’t come after you?” Sophie asked fearfully, stepping closer to him, her upturned face seeking reassurance.
“Don’t think I’m targeted, but I’m not taking any chances, especially with you,” Derek said. “I feel like killing Viktor for dragging you into this mess.”
“Sensei Jiro wanted to talk to him,” Sophie said. “So whatever they discussed must be important. Viktor has his reasons, Derek.”
“I thought my life was over today,” he whispered. “Why were you with that guy? And why did he touch your face—that way?”
His wife cringed.
“Sophie, you haven’t told me everything, have you?”
“There’s nothing to tell!”
Oh, yeah, my wife is defensive.
“Try me.” He continued to glare at her.
“That was David—a classmate. We went out a few times, but we’re just friends.”
“Why was he touching your face?”