Page 12 of Shadow Redemption
Ruth’s breath caught. “Are you serious?”
“Oh, yeah. He was one of the best of Tier 1 operators. There aren’t many like him.”
Something in Ben’s voice sparked her suspicions. “What about you? Were you in the military before you signed on with Fortress?”
“Yes, ma’am. I was a SEAL for ten years.”
She sat in silence, stunned at the revelation. How had she never figured out that the man she called in the middle of the night when she couldn’t sleep was one of the most elite warriors on the planet?
“Does that bother you?” Although Ben’s voice was soft, his white-knuckled grip on the steering wheel told Ruth her answer mattered.
“Why should it? You gave ten years of your life to protect our country. You deserve accolades for your sacrifice.”
“Don’t make me out to be a hero. I’m the farthest thing from a hero than you can imagine.”
“I don’t believe that.”
“Do you know what my specialty is?”
“How could I? You never talk about your work.”
“I’m an EOD man.”
“Explosive ordinance disposal.”
“You handle bombs?” Her heart skipped a beat. Dangerous work. One slip and he would be blown to tiny bits. She could lose him in a heartbeat if he made a mistake. The void his loss would leave in her life was unspeakable. Her hand fisted. “I assume you’re good at what you do.”
Despite her uneasiness at his admission, Ruth had to smile at that simple statement of fact. “Were you EOD as a SEAL?”
He nodded. “My secondary specialty was K-9.” A smile curved his mouth. “My German shepherd, Daisy, had the best nose. She could sniff out explosives better than the other military working dogs.”
“What happened to her?”
“She was retired four years before I left the SEALs. After that, I worked without a furry partner.”
“Do you know what happened to her?”
“She went to live with her former handler in California. He sent me pictures of her lazing around in the sun and running through a field. She lived a good, long life before passing away from old age in her sleep.” He slid her another glance. “I defuse bombs, Ruth. I can also construct them.”
“I imagine that skill comes in handy on your missions.”
A huff of laughter escaped. “Yes, it does.”
After that, conversation remained in neutral territory while Ben drove to the restaurant. Ruth relaxed when he parked in the lot of Damien’s, a high-end steak house. Perfect. She loved this place although she didn’t often have the time to stop here and eat. The food was excellent and the service superb, the whole experience unhurried. And best of all, the food selection included things that fit in her diet plan. “Thanks for bringing me here. I love Damien’s.”
Ben smiled. “It’s good to see you smile.” He came around the vehicle to open her door.
Inside the restaurant, they were seated at the corner table in the back and were soon ordering their meals. Once the waiter left, Ben covered Ruth’s hand with his own. “Tell me about Scott Barber.”
“You asked Zane to run a background check on him.”
“Tell me what you know and your impressions of him. Every scrap of information will make our job easier.”
She frowned. “You think Scott is behind the threats?”