Page 13 of Shadow Redemption
“Everyone is a suspect until we rule them out.”
His thumb brushed the back of her wrist, distracting her. Why did his touch send sparks flying through her veins? “Scott is the top fashion photographer. He’s a little quirky, but he gets results.”
“Scott doesn’t like extra people around when he’s working a photoshoot. He’s hands-on with the models.”
His hand tightened. “He puts his hands on you?”
“Just to move us around if we don’t understand what stance he wants.”
“Are you okay with that?”
She shrugged. Not really, but how could she complain? He wasn’t singling her out and he never placed his hands in inappropriate places. Before her experience with Hugo, Scott’s quirkiness hadn’t bothered her. Now, however, she struggled not to jerk out of his hold. Of course, that was true for any man who touched her except for Ben. She didn’t have trouble with his touch, even when they were doing self-defense training.
“What else do you know about him?”
“He’s been divorced four times.”
Ben’s jaw dropped. “Are you serious?”
“Scott’s a charmer and loves women, especially models. All four of his wives modeled for him. He has a problem with fidelity. He’s surrounded by beautiful women all the time and can’t resist when one of them makes a play for him.”
“Has he shown that kind of interest in you?” he asked, voice gruff.
“Not since the first time I modeled for him. He seemed puzzled when I turned him down.”
“Did he accept the shutdown?”
“I haven’t had any problems with him.”
“What about your agent? Tell me about him.”
“Rich is a great guy. He’s been my agent since the start of my career.”
“Yes, for more than thirty years to an interior designer. They have three kids, all adults, and four grandchildren with a fifth on the way. He’s a good man, Ben. Rich and Amalie, his wife, were some of the first people to reach out to me and Bridget when our parents died. He rearranged my contracts to allow me time to grieve their loss, then helped with the details of their estate. I’m telling you, he’s not the stalker. He’s like a father figure to me.”
“How did you meet him?”
She smiled. “My friends and I went to the mall at Green Hills to shop. Rich was there to scout for new talent. He saw me and convinced me to pose for a few pictures. Things just snowballed from there.”
The waiter brought their orders soon afterward. By the time they finished their meals, the tension that had gripped Ruth from the moment she spotted the envelope on her windshield had melted away. As they walked from the restaurant, Ben wrapped his arm around her shoulders, his touch light.
He guided her toward his SUV. Somewhere close, an engine idled. As they made their way down the aisle, the headlights of a vehicle flashed on, the beams on high. The driver gunned the engine. Tires squealed.
Ruth squinted at the oncoming headlights as the vehicle barreled down on them.
Ben grabbed Ruth and leaped away from the path of the oncoming car. Still holding tight, he flipped their positions as they fell to ensure he hit the ground first. Immediately, he rolled to cover her body with his in case bullets started to fly.
The car zoomed past, the front end clipping bumpers of cars on either side of them, and raced from the lot.
He lifted his weight from Ruth. “Are you okay?”
“I’m good. You?”