Page 38 of Shadow Redemption
More bullets struck the back window while others bounced off the SUV. Another round of gunfire caused the back window on the passenger side to spiderweb.
Half a mile more and they’d have backup. “Not much farther.”
She flinched when more bullets struck the vehicle.
Ben sped around a slower-moving vehicle and surged ahead when the truck had to wait for an oncoming car to pass before dodging around the slower-moving vehicle and resuming pursuit.
The Fortress compound came into view. Ben raced toward the open gate and zoomed between two Fortress SUVs. A third raced in to fill in the gap as soon as Ben passed through the gap, providing a barrier between the closing gate and the truck. Operatives poured from the vehicles and took up position with weapons in their hands.
As Ben sped toward the underground garage, the truck skidded to a stop. The driver threw the vehicle into reverse and backed up until he reached a side street, turned and sped away. One of the Fortress SUVs pursued the thugs.
When Ben parked in the garage, Ruth sat up, her face drained of color. Furious at the men who scared her, Ben hurried around the hood to the passenger side. He had to hold her and assure himself that she was safe in his arms.
He opened the door and Ruth dove into his arms. “I’ve got you. You’re safe now,” he murmured, arms tight around her, grateful beyond words that she was turning to him instead of panicking and shoving him away.
“Who is doing this?” she whispered.
“I don’t know, baby, but I’m working on it. I’ll help you reclaim your life.” Even if it meant giving her up to protect her from him and his past.
He stilled. When had he decided to claim her? He couldn’t. His past could cost Ruth her life and she meant too much to him to risk that.
The elevator arrived at the garage level with a soft bell. Footsteps drew close. “You two okay?” Shadow’s medic, Sam, asked as she drew near.
Ben kissed Ruth’s temple before glancing over his shoulder at his teammate. “No serious injuries, but Ruth had quite a scare. She’s in pain from the hits my SUV took.”
“I’ll find a blanket and pain medicine, and prepare a mug of tea with sugar in it. As soon as the rest of Shadow returns from the east gate, we’ll meet in the conference room.”
“Thanks, Sam.”
“Yep.” She returned to the elevator and seconds later, the doors closed, whisking her to the sixth floor.
Ben continued to hold Ruth while the shakes worked their way through her system. He murmured encouragement in her ear and pressed an occasional gentle kiss to her temple while waiting.
Ten minutes later, the trembling ceased, and Ruth leaned heavily against Ben. He swept her into his arms, used his hip to close the vehicle door, and strode toward the elevator.
“I can stand,” Ruth protested.
“Can’t a man sweep his lady off her feet?”
“Ben, I’m too heavy.”
He stepped into the elevator car with a chuckle. “I’ve packed heavier gear into the field and hauled it around for miles. Let me hold you.”
She sighed and pressed her face against the side of his neck, resting against him.
Ben drew in a deep breath, amazed at her absolute trust in him. He prayed he never destroyed that fragile bond between them.
When the elevator stopped, Ben carried Ruth into an empty office three doors down from the conference room. What he was about to do was beyond stupid and would only make things harder on both of them. Didn’t change his intention.
Ruth glanced around. “Why are we in here?”
He set Ruth on her feet, then closed and locked the door. Turning back to her, he said, “I need a minute.” Or ten. “Come here.” Ben spread his arms, waiting for her to make the decision about the next move.
She moved into his embrace without hesitation, wrapping her arms around his neck. “Ben?”
“Shh. I need this.” He needed her. His mouth came down on hers and took control of the kiss from the first touch. On every mission, ice water ran through his veins. Nothing rattled him. He’d had fear drummed out of him in BUD/S. The events of the past hour, though, had shaken Ben to the core.
He shuddered. One bullet penetrating the SUVs safety features and Ben could have lost Ruth. He deepened the kiss, twining his tongue with hers in a slow, sensual dance that spoke volumes about feelings he didn’t dare verbalize.