Page 74 of Shadow Redemption
“I need a picture of the driver. I didn’t get a good look at him.” He gave the time frame and camera locations in and around the hotel as well as the direction the man had driven when he left.
“I’ll ask Bridget to run the plates. She’s still learning the fine art of hacking. By the time I’m through with her, she’ll be as versatile as I am on the Net.”
That brought a smile. “You’re turning her into a white-hat criminal. You’re a bad influence, my friend.”
A snort. “Tell that to the boss. He’s pushing me to train her faster.”
“She must be doing well.”
“Bridget is the most talented researcher we’ve had, but her talents are wasted keeping her on the right side of the law and Maddox is itching to expand her responsibilities.” After promising to get back to Ben soon, Zane ended the call.
When another careful scan of the activity in front of the hotel yielded nothing of concern, Ben returned to the pool deck. The models posed for one last series of shots before Scott sent them for another wardrobe change.
Instead of following her co-workers to the tent, Ruth approached Ben. “Is everything okay?” Concern filled her eyes.
He reeled her in for a gentle kiss. “Just checking things out,” he murmured.
“You followed the man who was watching me?”
Ben nodded. “He got into his car and left before I was close enough to talk with him.”
“It’s probably nothing. I’m sorry to raise an unnecessary alarm.”
He brushed her cheek gently with the pad of his thumb. “Always listen to your gut. I agree with your instinct. Something was off about the watcher. Bridget is running his license plate. We’ll see what happens.”
The car could have been stolen or the plate swapped with one that belonged to another vehicle. Ben hoped Zane’s hacking skills led to a clear photograph to run through the Fortress facial recognition program. If this man had a record anywhere, Z’s database would find him.
“Roxanne!” Rich yelled. “Make out with your boyfriend off the clock.”
Cheeks flaring with color, Ruth sent a dark look toward her agent, pivoted, and walked toward the changing tent with Sam close behind.
Ben stared at the belligerent agent until the man’s cheeks reddened and he turned away to consult with the photographer. Both men shot angry glares his direction.
Rich and Scott were becoming a problem. For men who were supposed to have Ruth’s best interests at heart, neither was concerned about her welfare or her wishes. From the looks thrown his direction, the dynamic duo would gladly drop Ben off in the deepest part of the ocean and leave him for the sharks to eat.
Nico moved to Ben’s side. “Find out anything from Mystery Man?”
“The guy moved through the crowd like a greased pig. When I reached the front of the hotel, he took off. I called in the plate to Z. Bridget’s running that down while Z checks the camera feeds for a picture.”
“Did you recognize him?”
A head shake. “I hope our facial recognition software will help.” When Nico remained silent, Ben glanced at his friend. “I know. You don’t have to tell me. This is probably related to me rather than Ruth. I can’t do anything different at the moment.” No matter how much he wanted to.
“Send her to a safe house.”
“I wish. She has a contract to fulfill and places everyone in a lurch if she goes off the grid. She’d see it as turning tail and running like a coward.” He couldn’t blame her for that. She didn’t want to see herself as a victim. Ruth wouldn’t leave and cede the victory to the creep terrorizing her. His woman was amazing although for once he wished she didn’t have that steel spine. Protecting her would be simpler if Ruth was out of sight.
“Being seen as a coward is better than being dead.”
“Would you go into hiding if danger threatened you?”
Nico sent him a cool glance.
“Exactly. Ruth had all choices taken from her by that psycho who kidnapped her. I won’t do the same. It’s my job to keep her safe no matter what her choice is.”
“Our job,” Nico corrected mildly. He sighed. “All right. I don’t like it, but I understand. Mercy wouldn’t dodge danger either when I first met her. Strong women, like my wife and Ruth, dig in their heels and stand their ground. We have your back, Ben. Yours and Ruth’s. Let’s just hope we’re able to see and head off the danger before something else happens to her.”
“Keep an eye on the agent and photographer. Both of them would like nothing better than to see me buried six feet underground.”