Page 75 of Shadow Redemption
“What else is new? You aren’t the warm and cuddly type, buddy.”
He chuckled. “Ruth wouldn’t agree with you.”
“Shows what she knows.”
Although his team leader was yanking his chain to get a rise out of him, Ben couldn’t help but consider the truth of Nico’s statement. Of all the people in his life, Ruth did know him better than anyone else. She got him. He used a rock-hard exterior to keep people at bay while inside, he had scars and wounds that hadn’t healed from his father’s death and his mother’s abandonment. She knew the truth and still wanted him. If he was lucky, he’d coax her into falling in love with him before she bailed.
Soon, the models returned, and the photoshoot resumed. By early in the evening, the models were exhausted, and Scott was frustrated at the bad positioning of the sun. The photographer called a halt to the day’s work.
“Be on the beach tomorrow morning. By some miracle, we’re back on our original schedule.” He glared at the models. “No excuses for being late or not in top form. You can’t stay up all night and expect to look refreshed and perfect in front of the camera. If everything goes according to plan, we’ll be finished with this job by tomorrow evening.” With that, he dismissed the models, turned to his assistants, and told them to pack up their equipment for the day.
Before Ruth had taken more than a few steps toward Ben, Rich cut her off and, with a firm grip on her arm, herded her away from the others and Ben.
Ben’s blood heated when she attempted to free herself and her agent hauled her in closer, bending until he was in her personal space, creating a false sense of intimacy that Ben knew Ruth wouldn’t appreciate. He covered the space separating him from Ruth quickly, Trace moving in from the opposite direction with a grim expression on his face.
Rich glanced over his shoulder to see Ben bearing down on him. He scowled. “Back off. This is a business discussion that doesn’t concern you.”
Ben grabbed Rich’s wrist with a strong grip and forced him to release Ruth. “Business discussions don’t require you to touch Roxanne or restrain her when she’s not comfortable with your touch.”
“Don’t be ridiculous,” her agent scoffed. “We’re friends. She knows I’d never hurt her. In fact, I’ve been in her life for years. How long have you known her?”
“Long enough.” Ben eased Ruth behind him, retaining his hold on her hand. “I’m not warning you a third time. If you touch her again without her consent, you won’t like the consequences.”
“You’re threatening me?”
“I’m explaining the facts to you. Keep your hands to yourself. Talk all you want, but not today. She’s wiped out from the work and her allergic reaction, and needs to rest.”
Rich rounded on Ruth. “We need to talk without him interfering. This is private business between us. You know I wouldn’t hurt you, baby. I don’t have any reason to.”
Her hand wrapped tighter around Ben’s. “You have more reason than anyone,” she said, voice soft. “If I’m not working, your paycheck drops. We’ve already talked about this more than once over the past few months. I haven’t changed my mind. If anything, the way this job has gone, I’m more convinced than ever that this is the right decision for me.”
The agent moved closer, dropping his voice. “You have more to offer the world. You’re beautiful, sweetheart, and we need you and your beauty to make the world a better place. You aren’t going to let this Neanderthal force you to retire, are you?”
Trace’s eyes widened as he stared at Ruth.
Oh, boy. Her brother-in-law would have a lot of questions once they were free to talk without an audience.
Ruth shook her head. “I’m doing this for me. My interest is shifting to other areas, and my window of opportunity is closing in this industry. I’m okay with that. I want a life, Rich, one out of the spotlight of the media and public. While I’m grateful for the opportunities you helped me secure over the years, I’m finished with this part of my life. We’re not discussing my decision again. Once my two remaining contracts are fulfilled, I’m walking into a different future.”
“With him?” Contempt filled his gaze as he glowered at Ben. “A glorified rent-a-cop? Come on. You can do better than him. You deserve more than what he can offer you.”
“That isn’t your business.” Ruth turned to Ben. “I’m ready to go.”
Although Rich continued to protest, swearing viciously, Ben escorted Ruth from the pool deck with his teammates surrounding them.
Trace turned to Ruth as soon as the elevator doors slid shut. “What was that all about?” he demanded, eyes narrowed.
“Later,” Nico murmured, his gaze flicking to the camera in the corner.
The sniper subsided and spun to face the sleek silver doors.
Exiting on their floor, Ben pressed his hand to Ruth’s lower back as they walked to the suite. Once inside, he held up his hand to hold off all questions as he checked the rooms for hidden cameras or listening devices. Getting a green light from his electronic signal tracker, Ben slid the device back into his pocket. “We’re clear.”
“What’s going on, Ruth?” Trace folded his arms across his chest. “Did I understand correctly? You’re planning to retire from modeling?”
“I have two more contracts, then I’m walking away from this life.”
“Why? You love this job.”