Page 76 of Shadow Redemption
“At one point, I did. I don’t want this life anymore, Trace. I want a real life where I can help people instead of being on display all the time. I just want to be normal.”
Ben drew her against his side, offering her his silent support as she faced his teammates. He sent a pointed glance at Trace. “Decision’s been made, Trace. Let it go.”
His best friend’s eyes narrowed. “Is her agent right? Is she quitting because you’re insisting on it for your own safety?”
“That’s not fair,” Ruth protested. “I was considering retirement before Hugo kidnapped me. Now that Ben and I are together, I’ll do anything I can to keep him safe, including retiring.”
“Don’t give up a job you love for a new relationship that might not be permanent. Ben’s not good relationship material, honey. What will you do if your relationship fails?”
Great. Nice to know his best friend thought he was a bad bet for a woman.
“My decision stands. I want to do something different with my life, Trace. It’s time I branched out and lived the life I’ve dreamed about for a decade.”
“What will you do?” Sam asked.
“I’m establishing a charitable foundation to help sick children, a cause I’m passionate about. I have the name and facial recognition to solicit funds.”
“You’ve researched this, haven’t you?” Joe said.
She nodded. “Except for fundraisers, I’ll work behind the scenes. I’ve already begun assimilating a team to help me establish and run the foundation. This has been my dream for years. My agent, family, and friends won’t derail my plans.”
Trace frowned. “Hey, I wanted to know the decision was yours without prompting from Ben. Our team is years away from retiring, Ruth. If you leave modeling, you may not be able to return if things don’t work out.”
“I’m aware of the consequences.”
When his teammates began to pepper Ruth with questions, Ben held up his hand. “Enough questions for now. Ruth needs to change clothes and rest for a few minutes.”
Trace pinned Ruth with his gaze. “You need to tell Bridget before word leaks to the media. Your agent will blame your new boyfriend.”
“I’ll call her tonight.”
“If retiring makes you happy, she’ll support you.” A smile curved his lips. “Bridget misses spending time with you.”
Ben nudged Ruth toward her bedroom. “Go change. Take your time.”
Ruth squeezed his hand, then went to her room and closed the door.
“You better not be playing her,” Trace said as soon as the door shut, voice barely above a growl. “You promised me you wouldn’t hurt her.”
“I haven’t broken my word. In fact, Ruth has all the power in this relationship.” She had the power to completely destroy him.
“Take a break and head to your separate corners,” Nico said. “We all need a breather. Are you eating dinner in the suite or taking Ruth out?”
“I’ll ask her preference when she returns.”
“We’ll back you up if she wants to enjoy a meal out before leaving Mexico.”
Joe rolled his eyes. “Not much to enjoy when you’re only allowed to eat rabbit food.”
“That’s the best reason of all to ditch the modeling gig,” Sam said.
“She loves Mexican food,” Trace said. “Because of her job, she can’t eat what she wants and spends hours each day working out to maintain her figure.”
Joe scowled. “That’s ridiculous. What man wants a pencil-thin woman a good gust of wind could blow over when he could have one with natural curves he can hold on to?”
“Tell that to the modeling world.” Ben’s phone signaled an incoming call. He glanced at the screen. “It’s Zane.”
“On speaker,” Nico said.