Page 112 of Security Breach
Couldn’t be soon enough for her. She rested her head against David’s back, thankful he was safe for the moment. She knew David wouldn’t rest until every member of the Hunt Club was either behind bars or dead. Though he might enlist the help of other law enforcement agencies, her SEAL would insist on having a hand in bringing those hunters to justice himself. As though sensing her disquieting thoughts, her husband-to-be patted her hand.
Soon, the lights of the ranch house shone like a beacon in the night, guiding them home. When David parked the ATV at the back of the house minutes later, the back door opened and Owen stepped out, upper body covered by a bullet-resistant vest, a gun in his hand. He holstered the weapon when he recognized them. “Everybody okay?”
“Three perps captured, one dead.” David climbed off the ATV and helped Emma down. “Any problems here?”
A head shake. “Jordan is spitting mad.”
“Not that I care, but why?”
“I brought Gigi here as soon as I learned the safe house had been breached. He hadn’t finished questioning her. Do we know how the perps found you?”
“Marty and Jerome planted a tracker on the Fortress SUV when we were at the B & B.” David sounded disgusted. “The breach is on me for not checking the vehicle before we returned to the safe house.” He ushered Emma into the house with his brother following in their wake.
Cal greeted them with a nod as he filled his coffee mug.
“Where is she?” a familiar woman’s voice demanded from the kitchen entrance.
Emma’s attention focused on Virginia Warren, the friend she’d missed almost as much as she missed David while in hiding. “Gigi!” She hurried toward the other woman.
“You’re really here.” Gigi hugged Emma, her grip tight. “I thought you were dead, Em.”
“I know. I’m sorry.”
“Why didn’t you call me?”
“I couldn’t. It’s a long story, one that will have to wait until I’m not shivering so hard.”
Her friend nudged Emma toward the closest seat at the kitchen table. “I’ll find a blanket for you.” She turned as Mrs. Grady hustled into the kitchen. “Em’s freezing. Do you mind making her a cup of hot tea while I bring her a blanket?”
“I’ll be happy to. I’m so glad you’re safe, my dear.” The housekeeper filled a mug with water and dropped a tea bag into the liquid. By the time the microwave heating cycle finished, Gigi had returned with a blanket for Emma.
The B & B owner scowled at David. “You should have told me Emma was alive.”
He winced. “Does this mean I won’t have your coffee and muffins for a while?”
“I’m still deciding. I’m so happy to have Emma back I might give you a pass.”
Emma thanked Mrs. Grady for the tea and wrapped her hands around the mug, reveling in the warmth seeping into her cold fingers. “Cut him a break, Gigi. David didn’t know I was alive until a few days ago.”
“We’ll see.” Her friend sat across from her. “Now, where have you been?”
“Before I go into everything, are you okay? David said those horrible men hurt you.”
Gigi brushed her concern aside. “Just a headache. No detours. Talk, Em. The suspense is killing me.”
David leaned down and dropped a quick kiss on Emma’s lips. “I have calls to make. I won’t be far.” After glancing at Owen, who nodded, David left the room.
Emma sipped her tea and told her best friend everything that had happened since the last time she and Gigi were together. By the time she finished the story, Emma’s mug was empty, and her shivers were gone.
“Oh, Emma.” Gigi gripped her hand. “I’m sorry you had to go through that alone.”
“Now you understand why I stayed hidden. Everyone in my life is in danger because of the Hunt Club. That’s why Agent Jordan convinced me to stay in WITSEC so long. I missed you like crazy, Gigi.”
“Same, my friend.” Gigi frowned at Owen when he handed her an ice pack. “I don’t need that.”
“Yeah, you do, G. You’re squinting again.”
Muttering under her breath about high-handed men, she pressed the ice pack to the back of her head with a hiss.