Page 33 of Security Breach
Before he could respond, his cell phone signaled an incoming message. David glanced at his screen and grimaced. “Time to face the music. The feds are here.”
David led Emma to the solarium entrance and locked the door behind them. He faced Emma. “You can rest for a while or just hide out for a while.” He smiled. “I’m the one in trouble with the big, bad FBI agent, not you.”
“Ha. Agent Jordan will want to see for himself that I’m alive and unhurt.”
He would pressure Emma to go back into WITSEC. With the feds’ lousy track record of safety breaches, that option wasn’t one David would let her choose without him by her side. She would never be that vulnerable again. “If you don’t want to see him, I won’t let him near you.”
“I’ll be fine.” She laid her hand on his chest. “I’m not made of spun glass. You don’t have to protect me from Agent Jordan.”
He kissed her gently. “You’ve never been fragile, baby. Otherwise, your home life would have broken you. Instead, you survived an abusive childhood as strong as steel. I want to protect you from unnecessary unpleasantness.”
“We’ll deal with Agent Jordan together.”
After a lingering tender kiss, David escorted Emma to the kitchen where his brothers stood guard in front of the counter with the bagged contents of the package, barring Jordan and two other agents from confiscating the evidence without David’s consent.
Fast work on Caleb’s part to return to the ranch with the processed evidence. He gave a nod of appreciation to his brother who saluted. David’s cop shop might not have the bottomless budget of the FBI, but they could hold their own with standard evidence processing. Anything more extensive would have to go to the state crime lab.
The three agents glared at David and Emma. “Who are these two idiots?” Jordan snapped. “I should arrest them for impeding my investigation.”
“Meet two of my brothers, Caleb and Elliot. They’re law enforcement as well.” He waited a beat, then said, “Are you planning to introduce your cohorts?”
“Justin Wells and Phil Jones.” He motioned to each man as he spat out the name. “Is this all of your siblings or should I expect more Montgomery brothers?” His tone was sour.
What game was he playing? Jordan must have run a background check on him when Emma joined WITSEC. Although he wouldn’t have learned much about him, the FBI agent would know about his family. “Two more.”
Jordan scowled, then inclined his head toward the evidence. “Is that everything?”
David’s eyebrow rose. “Why would we withhold evidence? We’re on the same team.”
“Power play. Locals often throw their weight around and engage in a futile turf war.”
Elliot snorted. “That’s your game, not ours. Our mission is to protect Emma since you and your buddies can’t seem to do the job.”
“Explain that,” Jordan snapped.
“Got you where it hurt, didn’t he?” Caleb folded his arms.
“We have more experience than you do,” Wells gritted out.
“Maybe in law enforcement.”
He narrowed his eyes. “You’re former military?”
“No such thing as former military.”
“Let me guess. A jet jockey?”
The sneer in the agent’s voice made the Montgomerys stiffen. “All of us were spec ops,” Elliot said.
“Army grunts, I’ll bet. All brawn, no brains.”
Enough. David refused to discuss the details of their backgrounds. Jordan and his buddies would dig into their backgrounds before sunset. The feds wouldn’t learn much, only enough to prove they were skilled warriors. Their missions were classified, most not even named.
Jordan scowled at David, then Emma. “These cowboys can’t protect you. Only someone incompetent would hide you in the place a killer would search for you. I can protect you. If you stay with Montgomery, you’ll play into the Butcher’s hands.”
“I’m not returning to WITSEC,” Emma said. “I trust David with everything, including my life.”