Page 34 of Security Breach
David sucked in a breath. Everything? Did that mean she trusted him with her heart? He hoped so because he was head-over-heels in love with her.
Jordan flicked an angry glance David’s way. “He hasn’t made good decisions so far. The stupid stunt he pulled is why I wouldn’t allow you to contact him. He doesn’t know what he’s doing. Men like him are all swagger and no substance. No matter what he said, he can’t do what we can.”
“Listen to him,” Jones urged. “Between the three of us, we have more than 25 years of experience in law enforcement. Do you want to trust your life to an Army grunt who doesn’t understand the mind of a criminal? Do you want to trust your life to a man distracted by his emotions?”
“Jones is right,” Wells said. “Your boyfriend can’t protect you when he’s more focused on you than on potential threats. Are you willing to bet your lives on his ability to compartmentalize? If you trust me with your life, I’ll make sure no one finds you who shouldn’t. I’ll keep you safe.”
“How do you know Montgomery isn’t responsible for your problems?” Jones added. “You only have his word that he was overseas at the time of the attack in Seagull. He could have lied. What if he’s the one who hurt you and murdered your family?”
Where was this garbage coming from? David had been overseas on a mission when Emma and her family were attacked. He didn’t murder his girlfriend’s family and would never lay a hand on Emma in anger.
Why were the feds desperate to have Emma at their beck and call? She had promised to testify in a trial. What more did they want? “She made her choice. If you continue to badger her, I’ll boot you out the door and off our property. Am I making myself clear?” David glared at the three agents. They’d be wise to heed his warning because he wouldn’t hesitate to kick the feds off Montgomery land. By the time they returned with legal documents, he and Emma would be long gone.
“Ms. Tucker?” Wells pressed. “Please, reconsider my offer. I’d hate for you to be hurt or killed because of Montgomery’s incompetence. I swear on my life that I’ll take care of you. No one will slip past me.”
David flicked a glance at Caleb, who turned, grabbed the bags of evidence, and handed them to Jordan.
“Take it and go.” David wrapped his arm around Emma’s waist. “I expect a copy of the report. If I don’t receive one, I’ll go above your head to your supervisor. Since local and federal law enforcement agencies are supposed to work together, your boss won’t appreciate a complaint about a lack of cooperation.”
Jordan’s jaw clenched. “If you involve Whitehead, he’ll insist the FBI take over the case. The Butcher crossed state lines. That makes this our jurisdiction and our case.”
“Darren Whitehead?”
The agent stared. “Yeah. You know him?”
“His son was in my military unit.” He was David’s best friend. That meant David had leverage to get Jordan off his back or to stop pressuring Emma to rejoin WITSEC.
More staring. “His son was a SEAL.”
“So was I.”
Wells muttered a soft curse. Jones whistled. “So, you might know your way around a weapon,” Wells said with a sneer. “That doesn’t mean you know squat about catching a serial killer. They’re wily, determined, and scary smart. They don’t know the meaning of the word quit.”
Neither did SEALs, and they, too, were wily, determined, and smart. “Why are you singing this guy’s praises?”
“Underestimating him will be dangerous to you and your girlfriend. I’m trying to protect both of you.”
Elliot snorted, earning him a glare from the FBI agents.
“You’re wrong,” Emma said, voice soft.
“About what, ma’am?” Wells asked.
“The Butcher should be afraid of David and his brothers. He thinks he knows who and what he’s tangling with. Whatever he thinks, he’s wrong. I won’t run and hide again, Agent Wells. I won’t hide in WITSEC. He doesn’t get to live his life however he wants while he forces me into a box because I’m afraid. No more. I’m finished running.”
“He’ll keep coming after you until you’re dead.”
“If he comes after her again, he’ll be the one who dies,” David said. “No one is going to take her away from me again, not even the FBI.”
“Even if it’s the best thing for her, the safest thing?” Jones snapped.
“I wouldn’t call breaches in security at every safe house something to brag about, would you?”
Wells’ face darkened. “The breaches aren’t on us when the witness doesn’t follow the rules.”
Of course the feds would blame Emma. He tightened his grip on her in silent warning. “Take the evidence,” he said to Jordan. “I expect a copy of the report within 24 hours.”
The agent scowled. “I can’t guarantee the results will be in.”