Page 85 of Security Breach
“In case this visit goes south. Wells may not be inclined to cooperate.”
“He’ll talk.”
David slanted a look at the operative. “You know something I don’t?”
He snorted. “Don’t overwhelm me with your chatterbox tendencies. Do I want to know how you learned this information?”
“What do you think?”
“That I’m better off not asking.”
“Wise man.”
David shook his head as he called Blair Hoffman, the call on speaker. His fellow law enforcement officer answered a moment later. “It’s David Montgomery.”
“I heard what happened at Bear Lake Cabins. Anybody hurt?”
He sighed at her question. Man, cop shops were hotbeds of gossip. “Perp has a bullet wound to the shoulder. No injuries to officers on scene.”
“Good. What can I do for you, David?”
“I’m in Archer, getting ready to visit an FBI agent staying at the B & B.”
A pause, then, “I wasn’t aware of a fed operation in the area.”
Her clipped words made David smile. “I can’t say if there is an official op in Morgan County or not.”
“Can’t or won’t?”
“Can’t tell you what I don’t know.” What he suspected didn’t count.
“You’re in my town, Montgomery. You know something. Spill.”
Having worked with the lady on several cases, he knew she disliked working with alphabet soup agencies. Blair was also an Army veteran and knew how to keep her own counsel. David gave her a concise version of events, ending with, “I need answers from Wells, answers he may not be willing to divulge without a little persuasion.”
“You’re risking your badge, my friend.”
“Understood. It’s necessary.”
“And if you lose your job?”
“I won’t regret anything as long as Emma is safe.”
“Need backup?”
He relaxed, not surprised by the offer of help. “I have backup, but thanks.”
“One of your brothers?”
A logical question since he and his brothers usually worked cases together, but he wondered if Blair was looking for information on Elliot. He’d seen the way the pretty sheriff looked at his brother when Elliot wasn’t watching. He’d also noticed Elliot returning the favor.
David had considered teasing his brother about it more than once and chose to leave that hot potato alone. If Elliot could find happiness again, he wanted his brother to have the chance.
Besides, Elliot was stubborn and hardheaded. Blair would have to use some sneaky tactics to slip past his guard. David silently wished her luck. No matter what Elliot believed, he deserved happiness. “I have a friend from Fortress Security with me.” The term friend might be stretching things although Jon didn’t object to the claim of friendship.
Blair was silent for a moment. “I’ve heard of that outfit. Are they as good as the rumors claim?”