Page 86 of Security Breach
“Huh. Well, I’m a phone call away if you need me. I’ll also have dispatch notify me personally if a complaint comes in from the B & B. Make sure I don’t receive a call, David.”
He smiled. “Thanks, Blair.”
“Yep. Keep me in the loop, all right?”
“Will do.” He ended the call.
“Interesting lady,” Jon murmured.
“Turn right at Dunmore.”
Within minutes, Jon parked at the back of the bed and breakfast. The two men exited the SUV and headed for the front door. When they walked into the receptionist area, the owner met them in the lobby.
“Sheriff Montgomery.” Virginia Warren’s eyebrows rose. “Is there a problem?”
“Nothing like that, Gigi. I want to speak to one of your guests. He has information on one of my cases.” Gigi would be so angry with him for not telling her that Emma was back. Soon, though. Hopefully, he could get back into her good graces.
“I see.” She walked behind the receptionist desk. “What’s his name?”
“Justin Wells.”
She brought up her reservation system. “He’s in Room 8. I’ll ask him to come down. Would you like coffee or iced tea in the library?”
That approach might work better. The library was on the ground floor with a sitting room on the floor above it. David had noticed the sitting room lights were out when they drove up. “That would be great, Gigi. Thanks.”
“Go into the library. I’ll call Mr. Wells and bring a tray.”
Jon followed David to the Victorian house’s library, a room David loved as much as the Rocking M’s library. Gigi’s parents had been professors at a private college and instilled their love of learning into their only child before they retired from teaching and relocated to a beach house on the Florida coast, leaving their daughter the Victorian to do with as she pleased.
Two minutes after Gigi brought a large tray loaded with a carafe of coffee, three mugs, and a plate of cookies, Justin Wells walked into the room. His eyes narrowed when his gaze landed on Jon. Wells shifted his attention to David. “How did you know I’m staying here?”
“Have you forgotten I’m a cop?”
The agent waved that aside. “Is Emma safe?”
“She’s fine, no thanks to you.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Since when is a federal agent allowed to plant a bug in a private residence without a warrant?”
Pink tinged the agent’s cheeks. “Jordan already tore a strip off my hide for that. I need to help protect her.”
He understood Wells wanting to protect Emma, butneedingto help? What was the agent keeping from him? “Bugging my kitchen isn’t the way to go about it. You also neglected to mention a few things when you were at the ranch, Wells.”
“Like what?”
David motioned to the sofa. “Do you want coffee? Gigi makes the best in the county.”
“Tell me what this is about. Otherwise, I’ll return to my room. I have work to do.”
David poured coffee in the mugs and handed one to Wells after he sat. “Let’s start with why you neglected to mention your connection to the Hunt Club. We’ll go from there.”
Wells froze with his coffee mug halfway to his mouth. “Hunt Club?”
He waited the agent out.