Page 53 of Just Between Us
If you keep forcing Sketch to be your errand boy, I’m going to help him file a grievance with the Michigan Department of Labor.
I see you got your lunch.
I did and it was delicious. Thank you.
I neededto see her again. I hadn’t obsessed over a woman like this ... well,ever. I dragged a hand down my face.
Fair warning, I’m about to call you and I expect an answer.
I already told you I don’t use my phone for that.
I chuckled and dialed her number anyway. Pride swelled in my chest when she answered on the second ring. Her exasperated sigh was my greeting, and I broke into a smile. “Hey, Precious, I’ve been thinking—these rules of yours, would they prevent me from being able to take you out?”
The line was silent until she asked, “Like a date?”
I smiled into the phone. “Yes, Veda, if you need it spelled out—I would like to date you. It’s no one’s business what we do behind closed doors, but I cannot continue seeing you around town and feel like I can’t even talk to you.”
Veda scoffed on the other end. “Don’t be ridiculous. I never said you couldn’t talk to me. It’s just that I don’t want things to get messy is all.”
Oh, I had every intention of getting messy with Veda Bauer, that much was certain. “What if we consider it lesson number two? Nothing big, just you experiencing what it’s like to have someone pick you up and show you off a little.”
“Hmm,” she hummed. “I don’t know ...”
Damn it, she is difficult.
I grinned. “I know the perfect place. It’s a fun little dive bar up the coastline a bit. I’d be shocked if we ran into anyone who recognized us.”
The line was quiet, but I could hear her breathing as she considered my offer. “If you really think no one would know ...”
I shot a silent, victorious fist into the air. “Perfect. Be ready at seven.”
I ended the call before she had a chance to argue. I might need to shuffle a few things, but I would make it work. I pulled up my calendar and my heart sank. When I had pitched the idea to Veda, I hadn’t bothered to look to see if I had any appointments.
It was a Saturday night, so of course I was slammed with clients.
“Hey, Luna?” I walked from the cramped office in the back toward the front counter. “Can you please clear my schedule from six p.m. on?”
Her eyes went wide, and her mouth popped open. “Again?”
Unease rolled through me. It wasn’t the first time I’d bailed on appointments. What can I say? I liked to have a good time, and the last time it happened, my brother Whip had needed some backup. I wasn’t about to miss the opportunity to stir up trouble.
This time I had fucked up by not looking at the schedule, but there was no way in hell I was going to bail on Veda—not after she had finally agreed to go out with me. “It’s a ... family emergency.”
She rolled her eyes as her nails clacked on her computer. “Whatever.”
I turned away, feeling shitty that I had just lied to my best employee. My impulsive decision meant that Luna would have to make the calls and take the brunt of their disappointment. I set my jaw and determined to find a way to make it up to Luna. I didn’t want to think about the disappointed look on her face and how it poked a sore spot under my ribs.
With a sigh I escaped to my tattoo booth, relieved that I could lose myself in the remaining clients for the day before it was time to meet Veda.