Page 54 of Just Between Us
Star Harbor wasa coastal town about twenty miles up Blue Star Highway, and it reminded me of Outtatowner, but in a different font. The town itself was slightly bigger than my hometown and seemed to be a bit more family oriented, with a local farm for tourists being a big draw all year round. There were wineriesdotting the coast and the same towering dunes that always made me think of home. Locals tended to stick to the town they knew, and that meant Veda wouldn’t have to worry about someone seeing us out together.
I tried to keep my focus trained on the band and people milling around the stage, but my eyes kept slipping across the table at Veda. I was dressed in denim, boots, and a button-down short-sleeve shirt. The print on my shirt was subtle, but if you looked closely enough it was a repeating pattern of tiny black cats. I smoothed a hand down my chest to settle my nerves.
Veda wore a flirty sundress in a deep-red color that made my mouth go dry. Her tits perched above the scooping neckline, and the straps looked thin enough that I could break them with one tug. What the hell was it about a gorgeous woman in a sundress that made men go absolutely feral?
One leg was crossed over the other, and Veda’s foot was swishing to the beat. When she caught me staring, she frowned. “What?”
I eased back in my seat and grinned. “Nothing.” I shrugged. “You seem different is all.”
She smoothed the ends of her dark hair. “Different?” She scowled. “Well, that’s not good.”
I shook my head and chuckled. “I meant different from any other woman I’ve ever met. Trust me, Precious. Different isphenomenal.”
Her cheeks flushed in that way I couldn’t seem to get enough of, so I continued. “You seem more at ease ... less on edge, maybe.”
She looked around and then shrugged with a sigh. “In here, I’m nobody. I’m not the curious new girl in town or King Equities’ newest employee. I don’t have to analyze every word when someone speaks to me, wondering if there’s more to the story than what they’re offering.”
My brows furrowed. “That’s an interesting assessment.”
It struck me as odd that was the way she had felt in my small town.
“I met your dad the other day.” Her jade-green eyes flicked to mine.
I chuckled and nodded. “Oh yeah, well ...” I took a swig of my beer. “That’ll do it.”
Her eyes narrowed on me. “What’s the deal? It seems like everyone in town fawns over him, except for his own children.”
“The deal? Hell, I wouldn’t even know where to begin.” She eyed me warily but didn’t press as I focused on the music and the ambiance of the lakeside bar.
I didn’t want to think about my father and all the ways he had wronged his own children over the years, all while doing everything in his power to remain the benevolent Mr. King in public.
No, this was my time with Veda, and I wasn’t touching that childhood trauma with a ten-foot pole.
When I stayed silent, Veda asked, “How did you know I liked this band?”
I scoffed. “I can’t share all my secrets.”
She stared at me, and I tried to hide my smile.
“Fine.” I exhaled. “You were humming it when I walked you back to your apartment. I recognized the tune, so I looked it up, and as luck would have it, they had a gig booked up here.”
Veda chuckled and shook her head in disbelief as she looked down and took a sip of her beer. “You’re good. I’ll give you that.”
A victorious grin split my face. “I know.”
She laughed and rolled her eyes. “Ugh. As if you need me to feed your ego and make it bigger than it already is.”
I pressed a hand to my chest. “I like to think of it not as ego so much as a healthy confidence.”
The band, Mystic Fyre, played a mashup of alternative rock covers and original songs, one of which I recognized from the radio. They ended their set and announced they were taking a break to sign merchandise at the back of the venue. I watched Veda’s eyes glitter with delight as the band walked offstage.
“You should go,” I offered.
Her moody eyes studied me. “Really?” She looked toward the merchandise table, then back to me. “Are you sure you don’t mind? I’ll just be a second.”
She was already slipping out of the seat, and I cracked a smile. “Of course, I’ll be right here if you need anything.”
Contemporary music from the jukebox took over while the band made their way toward a merchandise table. I watched with appreciation as both men and women were captivated by Veda’s presence.