Page 64 of Kane
The sharp pull shot straight to her pussy. She groaned and swiveled her hips harder. Faster. The need for him climbed, the summit just out of reach.
As his teeth played over her sensitive flesh, his fingers tugged gently on her other nipple. He pinched and pulled, sucked, and licked. A moan climbed from the back of her throat as the whole world centered on his mouth, his hands, and the cock straining against his jeans.
“Come for me,” he demanded, his breath hot against her wet skin.
She ground harder against him, the pressure just right on her aching clit, as he pinched both nipples hard enough for a prickle of pain to ratchet up the pleasure. Then she was flying, his name a cry on her lips.
The orgasm shook her to her foundations. Her movement stopped as the waves rushed through her. But it wasn’t only her body reaching its plateau; it was like every emotion she’d ever had, built into one big peak exploding inside her. She wanted to laugh and cry and scream. But more than anything she wanted—she needed—to get even closer.
Pressing her chest to his, she buried her face in his neck, fighting the fresh wave of tears threatening to embarrass her again. Crying once tonight had already been one time too many. His arms held her with exactly the right amount of strength, and though his erection was still nestled between her legs, he did nothing to push for more.
She allowed herself the luxury of peace in his arms until she could pull herself together. Then she pulled back and kissed him gently. “Let me take care of you,” she whispered. It was a testament to the fire between them Kane could make her come without even taking off her pants.
He ran his hand over her hair, the way he always used to. “You’re so beautiful like this. Your eyes are like fucking emeralds right now.” His thumb brushed over her bottom lip. “Your mouth looks thoroughly kissed.” His soft gaze turned proprietary. “I did that. I want to keep doing it.”
Her mouth curled into a smile. “Kissing me?”
“Making you mine.” The way he said it rang with truth. “I don’t know how we’re going to make this work. I don’t know what we’ve got to change or how we’re going to have to bend, but I am not letting you go this time. Do you understand?” A fierce look came over his face. “We’re going to figure this out, Mandy, and you’re going to be mine forever.”
Her brain issued a hundred denials. What if they were too different now? What if he couldn’t love the woman she’d become? What if he’d turned into his brother…or his father?
The doubt must have shown because he shook her gently. “Don’t. Don’t talk yourself out of it before we even try.”
She’d forgotten what it was like to be with a man who knew how to read her. Was she talking herself out of it? “I’m not.”
“But?” he prompted.
“But where do we start? We already know this,” she gestured in the small space between them, “isn’t a problem. You can just look at me and get me wet.”
His eyes darkened, and she shoved against his shoulder.
“Stop. This is my point. We still want each other, but so many other things have changed. Like how much I hurt you.” She hesitated. “Like the fact you joined the MC.”
The heat left his eyes. “I know.”
“So where do we start?”
He was quiet for a moment. Then a smile broke out across his face, transforming him from handsome to knock-down, drag-out gorgeous. “The same place anyone starts. At the beginning.”
The excitement from the college football fans translated as a dull roar in Kane’s ears. Turner Field was almost unrecognizable in some ways since Georgia State converted it into their stadium, but the vibe from the charged sports fans was universal.
Mandy stood spellbound as they overlooked the field, which was now Panthers football territory through and through. “I haven’t been here in years,” she breathed.
She looked so young in her jeans and sweater; she wore no make-up, and her cheeks had turned red from the cold. Her breaths came out in cloudy puffs of smoke.
He gripped her icy fingers. “You want a hot chocolate?” Without waiting for an answer, he tugged her to the line for concessions.
She didn’t pull away, but her eyes narrowed. “You never used to like college football.” The woman had a memory like an elephant.
“It’s not like I hated it,” he hedged. “I never had time to get into it.”
“A newly acquired taste, is it?” Her voice sounded all innocent, but her smile was sly.