Page 59 of Deadly Peril
“I know you are.”
“I had a meeting with our accountant the other day.”
Alton furrowed his brow. “Is there something you’re concerned about?”
Jana proceeded to detail the facts as she knew them. Per the accountant, the business wasn’t on firm ground. Expenses were high, and sales had been down. “I wish that you had kept me apprised while I’ve been immersed in my new project.”
The look on Alton’s face made Jana wish she hadn’t brought it up. “We’ve had meetings on that topic before. The competition is stiff. Wholesale prices have risen sharply. More shops have opened in the resort areas, so our share of the market is less.”
Jana took a breath. “I don’t know how else to ask this, other than to spit it out.” She paused. “I know you need money, with your wife’s medical costs and all.” She dared not look at Thaddeus. “You’re aware that I have a bodyguard because my life has been threatened.”
Alton stared at her.
“If anything happens to me…this business, including any windfall from my new invention, goes to you.” Jana waited for a reaction.
Alton shook his head. “I can’t believe what you’re implying. You think that I have something to do with…” He rubbed a hand over his eyes, then looked at Jana. “I worked with your grandfather, for too many years to count. I knew you as a little girl. I’m nearly part of the family. And you mistrust me? You actually believe that I could harm you?”
Jana was crushed that she’d conceived of the idea. “I don’t really. But…all those medical bills?”
“I’ll take care of things. I always do.” Alton looked sad. “If I needed money, I certainly wouldn’t go about getting it in such a criminal manner.”
Jana stood up and went around the desk. She hugged Alton. “I know that. I really do. It’s just been a really stressful period for me.” She stood and took his hand. “I’m sorry. There have been more incidents and I’m just at a loss…”
Alton patted her hand. “I understand. I hope something breaks on the situation soon. I hate seeing you like this.”
“And if you need money, I want you to ask,” Jana said. “I’d figure out a way to help you.” She planned to share profits once her invention was marketed, but she didn’t want to mention that until it was certain.
Jana left the office feeling like a heel. She turned to Thaddeus. “I can’t believe I ever thought such things. Alton has been like a father to me. I swear…I’m losing it.”
“You were right to check it out,” Thaddeus said. “It’s your life at stake here.”
“I know that, but still. Being suspicious of those close to me is wrong.” Jana expelled a breath. “I’ve had enough of work. I’m going skiing to blow off some steam.” She headed for the door. “Are you coming?”
The closest skiing was at the biathlon club. Jana opted for going there. On the ride over, snow continued to fall, but she barely noticed. She was frustrated to the max and couldn’t wait to hit the slopes for a hard workout.
On the way over, Thaddeus seemed edgy. He perceived that someone was following. Traffic was slow due to the weather, and with the snow, it was difficult to see. He took some evasive actions then went to the club via a circuitous route. When he pulled into the parking lot, he checked the cars. “I don’t see any sign that we’ve been followed. It should be okay.”
Thaddeus came around and opened her door. “Do you still want to ski?”
“Damn right,” Jana said. “I won’t hide. I refuse to be cowed.” She looked up at him. “Besides…you’re with me.”
Jana’s skis and boots had been trashed by the aerobatic performance the day before. So she rented some gear, and Thaddeus did too. The mountains were thick with snow, a beautiful sight. It was going to be a good run; the conditions were prime.
She anticipated getting out in the snow without incident. But she wasn’t that lucky. It seemed that she couldn’t catch a break. On the way out of the lodge, Rakel approached. She’d hoped he wasn’t working that day.
Jana stopped when he blocked her path. She expected his tone to be belligerent, as was his recent norm. But he spoke in a friendly tone. “What happened yesterday, Jana?”
“Rakel, I don’t know what to say. You know my feelings on the matter.”
Thaddeus stood close, but Rakel didn’t seem to notice. “Look…I know you were upset. I get that,” he said. “But you implied that I had something to do with it.”
“Didn’t you?”
“You probably think I’m an ass sometimes,” Rakel said. “And I can’t say that I blame you.” He hesitated. “But you can’t really believe that I would try to kill you.”
Jana stared at her ex-husband. She didn’t know what she believed.
“I wouldn’t endanger your life,” Rakel said. “Hell…I was married to you.” He raked his hand through his hair. “I care about you. Even if you don’t believe that.”
“You do have an unusual way of showing it.”
“You know me,” Rakel said. “But in your heart of hearts, you don’t really think that I’d mess with your skis, do you?”
Jana hesitated. It was good to hear that he cared, and it would be some relief to know that he wasn’t the one after her. At least she wouldn’t have to deal with having married a man capable of murder. She’d made some bad choices, but still.
“I believe you, Rakel. It’s a bit surreal to have my life threatened. I live in a neighborly ski town, and I associate with people I’ve known for years.” She raised her hands. “How am I supposed to deal with someone trying to harm me?”
Rakel gave her a friendly hug. “It sucks. I understand. If I can do anything, you give me a shout.” He started to walk away. “Meanwhile, don’t be accusing a person until you know for sure.” He glanced back. “I’m on your side.” Then he disappeared into his workshop.