Page 60 of Deadly Peril
Chapter 18
Thaddeus checked Jana’s skis and boots for safety. He didn’t want any mishaps that day. Jana seemed frustrated with how the morning had progressed, and anxious to get out on the slopes. The club offered various trails to choose from.
Jana was drawn to the back-country trails, so picked one that she assumed would be fairly deserted. Skiing in the wilderness, away from others, had advantages. Thaddeus didn’t mind, as he’d have fewer people to keep his eye on.
The weather had been harsh, so much so that the season had been referred to as winter on steroids. It had intermittently rained, plus there had been an abundance of snow. Over five feet had recently fallen, so had significantly increased the snowpack.
That season the Sierras were covered with about thirty-five feet of snow, and the fresh snow made the mountain somewhat unstable. But thick snow with several feet of powder was what back-country skiers lived for. The excitement of the run superseded any considerations about danger.
Yet the risk was very real. In the span of a day, it had rained then snowed. The mountains that were already laden with snow had been doused with rain, making the slopes more treacherous. Heavy, wet snow was more dangerous than commonly known.
Jana didn’t appear dissuaded by the conditions. Of course, she’d skied in the area for years and the slopes seemed welcoming to her. But Thaddeus assessed the situation. It had rained not long before, which would have warmed and weakened the snowpack.
The water could penetrate deeply, making the snowpack heavier with the added weight trapped inside. Thaddeus had seen that many times when he’d skied in Iceland. It was no different in any other ski area. Weaker layers could fail under the weight of the upper layers—until below-zero temperatures caused a refreeze, making the layers stable again.
Rain could increase the chance of an avalanche, but the resort areas hadn’t posted warnings that day. Barring any unforeseen incident, the skiing should be safe. But Thaddeus intended to stay alert, ready for any shift in conditions, and prepared to take action.
Jana checked her gear. “Are you ready to go?”
Thaddeus nodded, certain she wouldn’t change her mind. Jana wasn’t easily swayed due to potential dangers. Snow sports had inherent risks, which were part of the thrill. Like racecar driving, bungee jumping, or skydiving, facing the fear was part of the excitement.
Jana started up the trail, and Thaddeus followed, keeping a close eye on her. The craggy mountains rose high before him, white as the clouds above. Pine trees decorated the landscape and the air was brisk. Full gear was required due to the cold temperature.
Skiing cross-country style took enormous energy and focus, but Thaddeus didn’t let that override his sense of duty. He observed Jana’s freedom on the snow, her ability and agility. She was a pleasure to watch, and even more so because she was enjoying herself.
The work was in going uphill or even navigating the flat areas, but there were intermittent downhills for a break in the effort. The hugeness of the area swallowed them up, the mountains and trees majestic. The awe-inspiring scenery provided a playground in nature, a respite from life’s pressures.
Yet Thaddeus didn’t shift out of protector mode. Skiing or not, he was on duty, a responsibility that he didn’t take lightly. He could have fun some other time, on some other slope. If there had been any onlookers, he would have appeared to be a sports enthusiast like Jana—but he was all business.
The wind had kicked up, which Thaddeus didn’t like. Snow and high winds were a treacherous combo. If conditions worsened, he’d call Jana back, whether she got pissed at him or not. He was there to keep her safe from all threats, and that included the environment.
So far, there hadn’t been any other skiers on that trail. It was like moving through a cold, desolate land, beautiful in its unique way. It was quiet and tranquil; the only challenges were those of nature herself. Thaddeus was pumped, his pulse pounding as he strode through the snow, keeping pace with Jana.
Gulping in air, Thaddeus jacked up his effort level to get beside Jana on a level stretch before a downhill. Then an unexpected motion caught his eye. In his peripheral vision, he saw another skier, a tall, muscular male. That would have been fine. Except the dude was carrying a rifle, and not a biathlon type.
In a split second, Thaddeus recognized the real deal. The idiot was carrying a .22 and he was skiing toward them at a rapid rate. “Jana…shooter behind us!” She looked back.
That was all it took to get Jana going. She flew over the top of the hill then sped down, with Thaddeus behind her. He downshifted, internally, as he’d done so many times in battle. While another might get frantic, he settled into deadly calm.
Jana’s speed was impressive, but the shooter was no slouch. If there had been any doubt that he was pursuing her, that was put aside as the man swooped down the mountainside. Thaddeus wished he had a weapon, but he didn’t have an effective one handy.
He kept a gun with him, but it was a small one zipped in his pocket. If the guy got close enough, he could use his weapon. But he didn’t have a rifle, so the enemy had a clear advantage. Shooting a pistol at a man that far off, while sailing down the hillside, only happened in movies. He’d just be wasting ammunition.
It would have been nice to know if the guy behind him was good on the skis, or how accurate his aim was. Thaddeus couldn’t tell if the man was a hired professional or some guy with a grudge. From the looks of it, the pursuer knew his way around snow.
The faster Jana went, the faster the pursuer went. Thaddeus didn’t like the odds. If the idiot got close enough, he would shoot. After untold engagements in the field, he’d developed a sense for such things. Whoever was behind them wasn’t out for a casual run.
Thaddeus glanced back a few times. The man had the look of a killer. That was easy for Thaddeus to spot; he’d encountered the type often enough. He couldn’t let the man approach Jana to get a clear shot.
Snow sprayed up as the shooter followed in a high-speed chase. Jana didn’t look back, just focused on the sharply sloped mountainside. That was a smart move. If she could maintain her momentum, Thaddeus would figure out a way to keep her safe.
Adrenaline flooded his veins, but Thaddeus didn’t waver. He allowed strength to fill his body, ready for a confrontation. He considered slowing, letting the killer catch up, then taking him out. But he nixed that idea. That would leave Jana alone, and he had no way of knowing if the pursuer was solo or if there were others.
There were limited options. But when the shooter began to gain on them, Thaddeus adjusted his speed, so he was slightly behind Jana. He positioned his body to block a bullet, in the event the shooter got confident.
Unless the guy was a superb marksman, hitting a fast-moving target would be no simple feat. And Thaddeus doubted it could be managed with one arm, although it was best not to make assumptions. As long as Jana kept moving, the shooter wouldn’t be able to get into a proper stance to aim at his target.
There was no question that Thaddeus would take a bullet for Jana, if it came to that. But that didn’t solve the problem. Unless Thaddeus put the shooter out of action first, the next bullet would be for Jana.