Page 41 of Loving Jamie
William and I share a look before he shrugs his shoulders, he leans over and pulls the quilt down, making room for me to climb in as Jamie squeezes me tight. William gets in next to us and wraps his arm around the back of my neck.
As we lay on our backs, Jamie shuffles to get comfy. He ends up laying on top of us both, his small body shivering from the cold air.
William pulls the quilt up and tucks it around Jamie. I’m sweating already but Jamie looks so cosy wrapped up in his blanket cocoon, while using William and I as his personal mattress.
It only takes a few seconds for Jamie’s breath to even out and little snores to blow through his lips.
I turn my head and rest my cheek against William's warm shoulder. “You were amazing tonight.”
William presses his lips to my hair before he rests his chin against the top of my head. “You were great too, Justin. Don’t ever doubt that. Everything is going to be alright, no matter what happens with his ex, we will be here to protect Jamie and love him the way he deserves to be.”
I let my eyes close and quietly says, “I love you.”
“Love you too.”
Chapter 23 –
The feeling of Déjà vu hits me as I slowly wake up, because once again I’m sweltering, dying for a piss and I’m being squished between two hot bodies. I suppose there are worse ways to wake up to.
The duel snoring and heavy breathing is almost enough to soothe me back to sleep but everything that’s happened over the past couple of days crashes through my mind.
Damian Booth set to be released January 16th, 2023.
Fuck, fuck, fuck.
This can't be happening. Realistically I knew he would be released from prison at some point but I thought I had more time.
I’ve come to terms with what happened, after many therapy sessions I realised that it wasn’t my fault, it was never my fault. The piece of shit abused me because he’s twisted in the head. It was never about me. It was all about the power he thought he deserved to have over me.
But no. Fuck that.
I didn’t deserve the abuse and torment, and I know that now. I know I’m deserving of love and respect.
I have two amazing boyfriends; I have the most amazing best friend and I have my twin sister. I don’t need anybody else.
My bladder squeezes and I know it's time to get up before I soak the sheets; and not in a fun sexy way. Very slowly I start to shuffle down the sleeping bodies and crawl off the end of the bed.
Someone groans and I freeze in my crouched position on the floor. I think I’ve woken them up, but after a few seconds the loud snoring starts again.
Grabbing William’s shirt off the floor, I tip-toe out of the bedroom. After freshening up in the bathroom I head to the kitchen and turn the coffee machine on.
As soon as the coffee machine starts to hiss my phone starts buzzing and frantic bangs hit the front door.
Too many loud noises cause me to freeze. The banging gets louder and faster. My men rush out of the bedroom, still naked.
“What’s going on?” William asks at the same time Justin says, “Are you ok?”
It takes a few short seconds for both of their heads to snap towards the banging sounds. Before I can say anything, Justin rushes to the front door. He looks back at us and says, “You two stay here. I’ll go see who it is.”
“Wait!” I shout.
Justin freezes half way through the door and looks back at me, “What?”
The phone continues to ring and the door is still being hammered. In the back of my mind, I worry that Damien is going to be outside that door. I know it’s probably not going to be him, considered he hasn’t been released yet. But still, my heart pounds and my body sweats.