Page 62 of Loving Jamie
We lead Jamie to the sofa and get him settled, his teeth are chattering but he still has a smile on his face.
Justin rubs his palms up and down Jamie’s back as he asks, “Baby are you ok?”
Jamie snorts a laugh but the smile stays in place as he says, “Yeah. I’m ok. Damian’s free. He’s out on the streets, probably wandering around Manchester with nowhere to go. And I’m sitting here with you guys. I’m cold and I’m wet but I’m ok. I’m safe and I’m in love, he can’t take that away from me.”
I wrap an arm around his back, squishing him between Justin and I. “What do you want to do today, angel? Do you want to stay home or do you want to do something?”
Jamie thinks for a long time before he shrugs his shoulders, “I don’t know what I want to do today. I think I built up this moment so much in my head, that I was expecting something drastic to happen the minute he stepped out of those gates. But nothing happened. I woke up, had a coffee and texted my sister. I sat at the kitchen table and waited for something to happen. But nothing did.”
I’m unsure what to do. I mean I’m glad he isn’t having a breakdown but I’m lost on what to do next.
“Ok angel, how about we just treat it as a normal day? I’m not going into work and I don’t think Justin is either,” I look towards Justin and he confirms my words with a shake of his head. “Do you have any work you need to do?”
Jamie nods his head, “Yeah I probably have a lot of work to do. I think the weather is going to be shitty all day so how about we have a shower and then get settled on the sofa, I can get my laptop and do some work and you guys can do whatever?”
Ok a plan, that sounds good.
Justin speaks first, “Ok baby, let's go shower and then I’ll sort us some breakfast before you get your laptop out?”
So that’s what we do. We each squish into Jamie’s shower, all of us soaping each other up. Jamie giggles when he pushes my head under the stream of water nearly drowning me in the process. But I would happily let him waterboard me if I get to hear his twinkling laughter ring out in the room.
After everybody is dressed in comfortable clothes Justin sticks to his word and cooks us all breakfast, a mix of pancakes with bacon and eggs on the side.
I send Jamie into the living room to get his laptop started as I make us some coffee. The heating is on so the apartment is warm and cosy. I sit on one side of Jamie and Justin sits on his other side; Jamie lets out a content sign as he gets to work.
We spend hours watching television, switching from film to film and then finally to regular programs. As it gets closer to lunch time, I tell the guys to stay where they are as I make us something to eat.
Just as I’m looking through the kitchen cupboards Jamie’s phone buzzes on the side where it's plugged in. I pick up the phone and see his sister's name flashing on the screen, I carry it through to the living room and hold it up to Jamie. “Your sister is calling you, angel.”
He holds out his hand and answers the call. I can't hear much over his sister's rapid talking. Jamie’s face pales as he drops the phone, he scrambles to find the television remote, dropping it a few times before he manages to get a stable grip.
He flicks through the channels before finally coming to stop on the news. Images and videos flash on the screen as Jamie starts to hyperventilate.
Oh fuck.
The news reporter on the screen stands with a microphone clipped to her shirt as she explains a body has been found. A forty-three-year-old man was found hanging from a tree, only six miles away from Strangeways prison in Manchester. The reporter states that the body had his personal information on him, including release forms from the prison. The man has been named Damian Booth and his family has been contacted.
Justin takes the remote from Jamie and turns the television off, leaving the room silent apart from Jamie’s ragged breaths. I stand in front of Jamie before I drop to my knees in front of him, Justin kneels next to me as we both hold onto his shaking body.
I don’t know how long we stay like this, just trying to offer Jamie support. We don’t talk, we just hold him tighter. Eventually his harsh breathing slows down and his body starts to sag. I rub any part of his body I can reach as he leans on us.
When Jamie pulls back, his face is ghostly pale and his eyes are red and puffy, his lips shake as he attempts to speak. He takes a few deep breaths and his voice cracks as he says, “He’s gone.”
The End
It’s been six months since Damian took his own life, only hours after being released from prison. It was tough at first adjusting to the fact that he’ll never be able to hurt me again, but things are finally starting to look better, I have been in therapy again and so has Justin. The both of us are making a lot of progress, we haven’t been magically fixed but we are each taking it day by day.
After lots of talking Justin confessed that he hated his and Jude’s childhood home and the memories that were stuck with it. So, he and Jude came to the decision to sell the house, Jude decided that half of the money would be used towards his and Nate's wedding. Yeah, they got engaged three months ago and they couldn’t be happier.
Justin wanted to use his half of the money to buy a house. He told William and I that he wanted the three of us to live together. And even though I had some leftover fear of leaving my flat and being dependent on someone again, my guys have proved to me over and over, how much they love me and how much they value me.
Which leads us to today, we have finally moved into the new house. We did get some strange looks from the real estate agent when we told them that the three of us were in a relationship and all of our names would be on the mortgage. I didn’t sell my flat but I decided to rent it out to a man who works with William, a handsome Spanish man who recently moved to the area.
Earlier in the day Nate and Jude came over for some food to celebrate us moving into the new house, but when they left my Daddies had a surprise for me.
Which is how I’m now fastened to a St Andrew’s Cross in our playroom. The guys decked the full room in fancy BDSM equipment which looks amazing. A few months ago, we started experimenting with impact play. It started with some light spanking until we managed to build it up to whips being used.
It took months for me to work through my issues with the whip, but my Daddies were so patient. They took me shopping to find a whip that I liked.
At the start of each scene, they tell me to hold the whip, letting me get used to the feel and the weight of it in my hands. I still can’t be blindfolded when we use it and I always have one of my Daddies standing in front of me, keeping me grounded and calm.
All in all, things have never been so good and I can't wait to find out what the rest of our life’s hold for me and my Daddies.