Page 15 of Breaking Vincent
Sticking with the theme I choose a silver spiky one, it kinda looks like a dog collar and I’m obsessed.
As I’m on my way to pay for my stuff, something blue and sparkly catches my eye.
I smirk to myself as I slam the giant dildo on the counter, the toy lands with a thump and swings in the air.Jude is going to love this.
Normally, I would walk back as my house isn’t too far away from work, but today I decide to order an Uber. I’m too eager to try on my new things.
As soon as I get out of the taxi, I rush to open my front door and head straight into my bedroom. Mr Mittens lays sprawled on the end of my bed, ignoring me as I dump my bags on the floor.
“Alexa, play my Bad Bitch playlist.”
In a few seconds, No Scrubs by TLC is blasting through the speakers.
I strip out of my clothes, but leave on the black boxers I’m wearing. Grabbing the shopping bag, I carefully pluck out the gimp mask and slowly fit it over my head.
When it's snugly in place, I walk over to the mirror and check myself out. I look really fucking good.
Except for all the bleached white hair sticking messily against my neck and shoulders.
I pull the mask off, grab a bobble and tie my hair up in a ponytail, noticing my brown roots are starting to show. I make a mental note to get it fixed soon.
Slotting the mask back into place, it takes a few seconds to get my hair threaded through the hole in the back. When it’s done, I take a few steps back and admire myself.
Somethings missing. “Ah, the collar!”
I rush over and pull the dog collar out of the bag, before walking back to the mirror. I fasten the chain around my neck and give the side a sharp tug, it digs into my Adams-Apple in just the right way.
I turn this way and that way, admiring myself in every position.
I grab my phone and open the camera app; I take a few different pictures, but nothing is standing out.
Dropping to the floor, I get on my knees in front of the mirror. I wrap my hair in a tight fist before lifting it above my head, spreading my legs further apart as I stare into the camera. I press click.
After ten minutes or so I have enough photos to add to my Voyeurism Fans profile.
Choosing a couple of the sexiest photos I upload them to the website and chuck my phone on the bed, before I head to the bathroom, to jump in the shower.
By the time I’ve had my shower and fixed myself something to eat, I’m ready to get in bed.
When I walk into my bedroom, I spot the Little Sinners bag sitting on my bed, grabbing my gift for Jude, I take a photo of it and text it to him.
Jude –OMG! That thing is massive! I told you to get me something pretty!
Me –It is pretty! Blue and sparkly. I can send it back if you don’t want it…
Jude –No, no, I want it…
Me –LOL. Size queen.
I put Jude’s gift back in the bag and leave it on the dresser, before climbing into bed. I do my nightly routine of scrolling through every social media account I have for the next hour and a half. As soon as I put my alarm on, a notification pops up on my Voyeurism Fans account.
The photos have over a couple hundred likes and a few cringe comments from other accounts. I scroll through some of the profiles that commented and liked, but none of them look like anything special.
Except for one guy,MasterL
His profile doesn’t give much away, except for his age and kink of choice. He’s a sadist.He doesn’t have any images on his account, only his profile picture. When I click on it, I discover it’s a photo of the guy's back, he’s shirtless and wearing a pair of black trousers. I can’t see much, but I can just tell he’s hot. His skin is nicely tanned, plus a smattering of dark fur on his shoulders and back. Yummy.
As I go to press the follow button, I see that I’m already following his profile. I click on my own photos and look through the comments and likes. It turns out that he liked the very first set of pictures.