Page 16 of Breaking Vincent
I know I made a point to Nate when I said,I’m a sub, so I don’t have to make the first move.But I’m feeling extra brave today, so I message him first.
TheMaskedBrat94 –If you want to get to know me, this is me making the first move, so now it’s your turn.
MasterL –What kind of introduction is that?
TheMaskedBrat94– You read my profile, right? I’m a brat. Do with that as you please.
MasterL –I did read your profile, but I have to admit the pictures were the thing that piqued my interest the most.
TheMaskedBrat94 –Oh my gosh, continue.
MasterL –You’re far from my usual type, but something about you makes me want to know more.
MasterL –Tell me more about yourself, something that no one else knows.
TheMaskedBrat94 –Well… I’m sort of new to the kink scene, well not new, I know what I do and don’t like. But I haven’t played with another person in real-life before.
MasterL –Interesting. And you think doing it online is the best way to go?
TheMaskedBrat94 –I think so? If someone does something creepy, I can just block them.
MasterL –And what does something creepy look like to you?
TheMaskedBrat94 –Unsolicited dick pics? Fake Doms/Masters who aren’t looking out for my best interest? That kind of thing.
Although I wouldn’t mind getting a look at MasterL’s goodies. The photo he has on his profile doesn’t show much, and I want to see if the fur on his shoulders flows down to his ass.
MasterL –I hope everybody has been respectful towards you so far?
TheMaskedBrat94 –Some of the comments on my photos have been a bit weird, but nobody has slipped into my messages yet.
MasterL –What made you message me first? I imagine Doms would be hounding a sweet thing like you.
TheMaskedBrat94 –You’d think so, wouldn’t you? But nobody has reached out, and I like your profile picture, I just hope it’s actually you and you aren’t cat-fishing me…
MasterL –I can promise the photo is my own.
TheMaskedBrat94 –Are you willing to prove it?
I wait a few minutes for his response, it shows that he’s read my message.
“I hope I haven’t freaked the guy out already,” I say to Mr Mittens. He just meows at me and plops his furry head back down on the bed.
My phone vibrates in my hand. I don’t want to get my hopes up. The image I have in my head is that MasterL is a tall handsome man with a fuzzy chest and a big fat cock.
I just hope I’m not too far from the truth.
MasterL -*Picture Attachment*
Hiding my eyes behind my fingers, I click open the photo.
“Oh my God!!” I squeal. Loud enough for Mr Mittens to startle awake and jump off the bed. “Sorry cat!” I shout in the direction of the door.
But can you blame me? The photo is of the man from the coffee shop, the same man whom I’ve been taunting every time I see him.
I was right in my thoughts, though. The man is gorgeous and now that I know who he is, I’m not sure where to go from here.